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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Postal Service's $1.9 Billion Loss Means Reform Can't Wait Any Longer, Senator Says

The U.S. Postal Service's $1.9 billion loss in the second quarter proves that Congress "can't afford to wait any longer" to pass postal reform legislation, said Sen.Tom Carper, D-Del.

Carper, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has been the main force in Congress behind changing the Postal Service's business model. That could include allowing the Postal Service to restructure its retirement health benefits payments, continue reducing its number of facilities, finding new sources of revenue and possibly cutting Saturday mail delivery.

The Postal Service agrees with Carper that postal reform needs to happen sooner, rather than later.



  1. I have a good idea , bet nobody has thought of this "Let's Bail Out The Post Office".
    That way , the idiots working for them can continue to do nothing and just talk on their cell phones.
    Mmmm ,reminds me of the Nanticoke post office , a group of people that just don't know any better.

  2. Let it die. A gov't enforced monopoly is good for no one but the sponges.

  3. You need to expect 10 years AFTER approval of studies to re-invent the Postal Service. Until that happens, this is all political rhetoric.

  4. Here's an idea - let the USPS fund its pension like any business in America does and not this stupid full pre-funding requirement REPUBLICANS rammed through to drive the USPS out of business.

    There wasn't a crisis at the USPS until Republicans invented one.

  5. "There wasn't a crisis at the USPS until Republicans invented one."

    How is the air under that rock? USPS has gone the way of video rental stores. No inventions were necessary.

  6. This is a perfect example what happens when unions control our lawmakers.

  7. The USPS will spend thousands of dollar trying to find an employee doing some thing wrong, just because they would like to get rid of them, and when that don't work they will cut his pay, take his vacation, give him unpaid leave on his check instead of money for the time has worked. Two time last year I received a check stub with Zero's I had worked all ten days on both accounts. I had a Postmaster that was gone for almost six months, on day a lady from the federal government call me, and asked where he was, I told her to call his boss, funny he was to work the next day. The USPS is just poorly managed, to many people running around doing nothing but having meeting to micro manage it. If they would let the local office run it self it would get done better, and cheaper. DMM

  8. I am a USPS Employee, and we have only the union that management let us have since we can not do any job action, of any kind, and can not strike we get only what they will give us. If they do not want to settle the contract we get to work with out one, and management will just say that you have no contracted. That can very from office to office..DMM


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