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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Planned Parenthood CEO Lied About Not Knowing Of Gosnell Horrors

The CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania has been caught lying about whether her abortion business know of the horrors that took place at Kermit Gosnell’s abortion facility in her area. A pro-life blog uncovered the discrepancies today.

Planned Parenthood has already been connected to Kermit Gosnell in one way — via a grisly abortion experiment he conducted on women back in the 1970s. Now a previous denial of the horrors has been exposed.



  1. Liberals have no class, no decency, no morality.
    What else would you expect from
    unplanning parenthood?

    Their best example is set by the President himself?
    Does a bear obama in the woods?

  2. Good, now snip the back of his neck.

  3. Male and female beings that choose to enjoy their sexual pleasures without any thought of pregnancy protection, then when the female becomes pregnant, one or both of them chose to end the life of their unborn offspring, will be held in contempt against God, by God, at the end of their selfish life. Hell "will be" their final reward, as well the justice for those that stand with them. There is no forgiveness nor repenting for willful murder. It's a sin, nothing less. God will have the last word!

  4. 10:27
    I thought there was no greater sin. A sin is a sin. So why can someone repent and be forgiven for saying a bad word but not sinning when they commit murder. This is not an attack on you. I am just curious as to how sins are judged.

  5. It's funny, well not really but, "liberals" are okay with killing these babies, black babies (more aborted than born since 1976 check for yourself), Chicago and every other hoods black babies that Obama has failed to mention or fly their parents in on AF1, only Sandy Hook babies.......something stinks. And please check the demented history of planned parenthood.....crazy and sick!

  6. All sins can be forgiven except one. Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. If you break one sin, you are guilty of breaking them all.


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