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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Photos You Need To Really Look At To Understand



  1. I did not realize there were so many deformed people out there.

  2. Yo pic 1 get a bra!

  3. lost me on this one, who is it and why are they notable?

  4. 2:05, nothing notable about who they are. The pictures are "What do you see, a girl with a hairy arm and shoulder, or two girls with their faces together with the girl on the right having her head looking out over a man's leg?"

    or "A woman with a large breast hanging out, or a woman with an arm bent and hand behind her neck?"

    At first glance, the pics are not what they seem to be!

  5. 406, you wasted precious time and oxygen attempting to enlighten a box of hammers. Sorry.


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