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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Pew Study: Many Muslims Believe In Mixing Mosque And State

Most Muslims around the globe tend to be deeply committed to their faith and believe that it should shape not only their personal lives, but the societies they live in, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center (PDF).

Pew's face-to-face survey of more than 38,000 Muslims, including many in the United States, between 2008-12 produced a telling snapshot of attitudes and beliefs.

"In all but a handful of the 39 countries surveyed, a majority of Muslims say that Islam is the one true faith leading to eternal life in heaven, and that belief in God is necessary to be a moral person," the survey released Tuesday concludes. It adds that "many also think that their religious leaders should have at least some influence over political matters. And many express a desire for sharia — traditional Islamic law — to be recognized as the official law of their country."



  1. Well, in a Moslem country, religion IS the government. That's what sets us apart from countries like that. That is why people immigrated to here THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND. Here, Government is just that, and the people are free to practice any religion they wish. Even moslem/ islamic types, but here there is that pesky rule, so Moslems cannot govern. Gee, guys, since it doesn't work under your rules here, why not move to a country where it does work?

    Or are you just ignorant enough to keep trying your crap here?

    Ain't gonna fly, Butthe_ds!

  2. Which should be a screaming example to the Christians that want to take over our government for their advantage. It is always a disaster.

  3. Incremental Sharia.
    They chip away slowly but insistently.
    6:44 They keep pressing their crap under the guise of fairness and tolerance. But tell me, why should we be forced by the Government to accept those that wish to control OUR society with THEIR perverted cult?
    Why has our Government allowed a ground zero mosque for them to celebrate and commemorate their
    attack on America and our beliefs?

  4. 7:17 because it's sad, we have a muslim president which you can easily tell is destroying our country under his tolerance.
    Muslims don't belong in this country. They are radicals, and have no place here.

  5. So do a lot of Christians.

  6. 8:17 You are ignorant.

  7. Anonymous said...
    So do a lot of Christians.

    May 3, 2013 at 8:17 PM

    This is a Christian country. Why don't you leave and take that Muslim Kenyan with you.

  8. Hey 8:49 it is true, ever listen to Bachmann or Santorum?

  9. 8:49 You are! Ahhh, felt good to pretend I was in grade school again. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on childish posts.

    All religions cram their beliefs down others throats, hence the violence between religions and the people within. Christianity is no different.

  10. 9:17 I was right about the ignorant comment. You just proved it with your comment! Ignorant stands.

  11. very interesting. as a student of history; especially American history, Bachmann and Santorum's words are Very Similar to our founding fathers.
    the ignorance from some of the commenters are at best glaring. please educate yourselves on the history and founding of this great nation. there has never been a nation like America. the reason is because it was founded by godly men and women who understood the bible and practiced their faith from the beginning.
    America has been the most innovative, sharing, giving, helping nation in the world. we are always ready to help our neighbors and fellowman whenever we can or are called upon.
    if you want to live under sharia law; have at it my friend and don't let the door hit your behind on the way out.

  12. Anonymous said...
    8:49 You are! Ahhh, felt good to pretend I was in grade school again. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on childish posts.

    All religions cram their beliefs down others throats, hence the violence between religions and the people within. Christianity is no different.

    May 4, 2013 at 9:17 AM

    Hmmmmm.... I have been a Catholic all my life and I don't ever remember seeing another Catholic knocking on my door trying to forcer their beliefs down my throat. I don't ever remember a priest during Mass trying to force the Parishioners to go door to door to force our beliefs down your throats.

    You just proved your ignorance with your comment. Now go craw back under your Obama Rock!

  13. Is it called a PEW study because many of them wear no deodorant and have extreme b.o.?

  14. Muslims OUT OF THE COUNTRY starting with Obama.

  15. "Moral person" and "Sharia Law" are a contradiction in terms. I don't know a "moral person" who thinks its fair and just punishment to set women on fire for adultery. Or to slice the clitoris off of teenage girls to prevent ungodly pleasure. Or to cut the hands off of people who have stolen something. Or kill non-believers as a duty to God. Of course, I might have missed mobs, even entire towns, of Christians, dancing in the streets and dragging the mutilated corpses of the latest victims of their peaceful and just religion.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Is it called a PEW study because many of them wear no deodorant and have extreme b.o.?

    May 4, 2013 at 11:18 PM

    B.O. = Body Odor = Barrack Obama

    And that is a fact many of the Middle Easterners do not wear anti persperants and they stink.

  17. The muslims and sharia law folks left their country because of what? Why did they come to the US. If they are so big on their particular beliefs I beleve we should charter a few planes just for them.

    1. 8:07 I believe they came here with the intent of screwing up our country and that's all.


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