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Monday, May 13, 2013

Obama Expands Reading Program – In Kenya!

Millions of children will be targeted to improve their reading skills over the next five years under a new Obama administration literacy program in nearly 30,000 public and private primary schools.

But the schools are not in the U.S., they’re in the Republic of Kenya.

The tentatively titled Kenya Early Grade Reading Project, or KEGRP, seeks to implement national curriculum standards, deploy more than 1,000 trainers to assist tens of thousands teachers and improve the ratio of textbooks to students. The Obama administration didn’t reveal the cost of the program.

According to a draft Statement of Work that WND located via routine database research, the U.S. Agency for International Development wants to ensure Kenyan children develop strong reading comprehension skills.

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  1. Look if this true, what can I do? I voted, I read all I can not only here. It seems to me it does not matter. They say they are for the people maybe before we vote we should ask (what people). But it won't change. I give up. I'm done. I can't fight for myself and can't fight for you.map

  2. Who voted for this, and who the hell is the WND. We have kids in the USA that can't read so should we not take care of our own first?

    1. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 14, 2013 at 9:32 AM

      WND is World News Daily, they collect and report info that other major MSM netvorks llike ABC, NBC, CNN and other liberal owned media outlets "FORGEt" to mention to the public. So thanks to WND the info is available to public, otherwise we wouldn't even know. Do you know how much "stuff" this administration hides from reporting to anyone? No reason to even turn the TV on, you have to do your own search for true stories on internet nowadays.

  3. ever seen some of the schools in D.C. (you know, where the president LIVES?)? Not fit to teach in or learn in. And he sends money to a foreign country to improve education? Shame.

  4. Imclain: you think the schools in DC are bad?
    Go to Chicago! His adopted Hometown.

  5. Anonymous lmclain said...
    ever seen some of the schools in D.C. (you know, where the president LIVES?)? Not fit to teach in or learn in. And he sends money to a foreign country to improve education? Shame.

    May 13, 2013 at 8:40 PM

    Let me throw in my two cents on this one because is reminds me of the same whining about Bennett Middle School since the same crap was said. "it's not fit to teach in or learn in." Well let me ask you this question. Who let the DC schools and BMS get in the condition it is in now. Would you let you house run down for 50 years without doing any repairs? Of course not, but the citizens are to stupid to ask that question. No need to keep up the schools since the tax payers will always build them a new state of the are building every 50 years while they end up bull dozing the old ones. Repair and renovate these damn schools and save my damn hard earned money!

  6. Trying keep some books here I have seen kids in high and middle school all US born that reads at a second grade levels

  7. That money should not leave the country - we should take care of our own illiteracy first.

    Never mind - he needs to send money back to his home country - like most illegal aliens here!


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