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Sunday, May 05, 2013

NRA CEO: "Boston Proves" Gun Control Is Dangerous

National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre linked the April 15 Boston bombings with the ongoing struggle over gun laws in America on Saturday, asking the audience at the annual NRA convention in Houston, "How many Bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago?"

"Imagine living in a large metropolitan area where lawful firearms ownership is heavily regulated and discouraged," LaPierre said. "Imagine waking up to a phone call from the police, warning that a terrorist event is occurring outside and ordering you to stay inside your home."

"I'm talking, of course, about Boston, where residents were imprisoned behind the locked doors of their homes, a terrorist with bombs and guns just outside," he said. "Frightened citizens, sheltered in place, with no means to defend themselves or their families from whatever may come crashing through the door."



  1. Good point... except for the fact that it might be the police who come crashing through the door. Then where would you be?? Dead! Sorry, but that's the way it is in a Police State...

  2. Anyone who wants to see what an unarmed populace must deal with an overbearing authority need only look at what's going on in the occupied territories.

  3. "...from whatever may come crashing through the door." Not necessarily a terrorist, either. And the ability to resist those "crashing through your door" is EXACTLY what they what to eliminate. Of course, they also want to eliminate any rememberance of how our country was founded. Hint-- ONE of the reasons was to eliminate the ability of the occupying British forces to forcibly take over citizen's houses. At gunpoint. Do we really need to teach that lesson AGAIN? Looks like we do....

  4. The police and the armies well overdid marshal(sp?) law on that day, and although it may have provided the service of making the guy hole up instead of run, it did nothing to locate the guy. All those heat seeking cans looking down never saw a damn thing until the Citizens were sent out to inspect their own properties. The Citizens solved that dilemma, as police, NG, FBI, and the other alphabets spent millions and raped the privacy of thousands of citizens in the name of failure.

    Get good guns made for this situation, don't let then in, and shoot if they do, and train yourselves to do that.

    Molon Labe.


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