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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Noise Violations Lead To Board Limiting Bar’s Music

SNOW HILL -- An Ocean City rooftop nightclub, the first of its kind in the resort, will be a whole lot quieter this summer after the county’s Board of License Commissioners (BLC) on Wednesday voted to shut down its nightly music by 8:30 p.m.

Owners of the Galaxy 66 and its associated Skye Bar, a posh rooftop bar on the fourth floor of the popular restaurant at 66th Street, came before the BLC on Wednesday to address repeated official citations and grievances filed by neighbors in the area last summer over the loud music and other ambient noise emanating from the popular nightspot. For years, a smaller version of the Skye Bar existed on the roof of the Galaxy 66 Bar and Grille, but with the blessing of the BLC, owners Roger and Tammy Cebula last year undertook a major renovation of the rooftop space, creating a much larger version of the Skye Bar complete with more dining, live music and disc jockeys.

Last summer, the Ocean City police issued five official noise violation citations and handled scores of complaints from residents in the area about the late night music and loud conversation.



  1. Yet the daytime violin player is still in violation? Can we please have a hard decibel limit applied to all in OC? This "too loud conversation" and such is stupid until we get a scientific solution for everyone.

  2. The Cebulas think they're larger than life anyway. Not surprised

  3. I don't understand how anyone can sit outside to even hear the music in that area given the smell the Town emits into the air just a block away.


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