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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Major Milestone Made In The MD School Breakfast Program

In Maryland, one in six people are unable to afford enough food to feed their families, or to even feed themselves.

As the director of Maryland Hunger Solutions, Cathy Demereto said she and her colleagues have closely witnessed the intensity of this statistics through their regular interactions with students who they find out are not getting daily meals.

“We know that so many families are struggling to make ends meet and [struggling] to put adequate food on the table,” she said. “And [we know that although] many children are participating in school lunch, they aren't receiving the benefits of school breakfast.”



  1. why hasnt anyone stated the obvious? if they cant afford to feed their families...STOP HAVING KIDS!

  2. and somehow these folks think that all these people that supposedly cannot feed their children is a good thing OR is it that they are proud of themselves for sucking more people into dependancy

  3. I completely support these programs being there for unexpected crises, BUT, there is a whole class/generation of people who plan their lives around the fact that public assistance, especially food stamps and WIC checks, is available.

    Whatever happened to having a kid when you were reasonably sure that you were able to support them. Yes, stuff happens. This is not what's happening here.

  4. If they didn't spend the money on drugs and booze they could afford the food. Most of them can afford the food but they know we will supply it for them , another entitlement to people of color.

    1. And another entitlement to people not of color

  5. Yeh you guys are right , some people think with the wrong head.

  6. Exactly to all of the above.
    These sponges are nothing but slaves dependent on whatever the government sees fit to dole out to them.

  7. So all of you would think it was fine if children were starving in the streets because their parents might be dead beats. Most of you on here claim to be Christians is that what Jesus would do. No he would make sure the children were fed. Children don't ask to be born. Why should they suffer because of the mistakes of their parents.

  8. Since when did it become my obligation to feed someone else's kids?

  9. Hey 1:06 PM it's not about being the Christian thing to do you stupid moron. Since you don't mind paying more taxes then why don't you pay mine because I refuse to take responsibility for someone else's problems.

  10. This sounds like double dipping to me. If they are already on food stamps than it should be and either/or and not both. Food stamps are suppose to be a supplement to food they are suppose to buy with their own money. If they are going to be giving them free breakfast and lunch than they should reduce the amount they get in food stamps.

  11. im not christian. so they can wither away for all i care. hows that?

  12. @106pm

    i thought you liberals wanted seperation of church and state? obviously you want the state to go down in flames (homosexuality, drug legalization, etc...). you asked for no God, and youre getting it.

  13. I have had to sign up for food stamps temporarily, but I'm amazed that after not many months, the balance on my card is up to $880. I'm caucaisan, have one dependent, shop frugally, get mu burger, chicken, and pork chops on sale and cook at home and can NOT spend that much money to keep the balance even. I have even made a special trip to buy only T-bones, Porterhouse, lobster, crab meat, shrimp, and tenderloin, and the balance is still 880.
    My kid has plenty to eat, and so do I. Oh, but I'm 190 lbs, and he's probably 150 at 18 years old. We don't weigh 300 each.

  14. I am sick of soft hearted liberals spending my money for me. It is time for a revolution. Are they still teaching students about the Boston Tea Party? It's time to take this country back! I despise freeloaders.

  15. This isn't about what's liberal or conservative. It's about what is morally right and wrong. If people want to hate the government we all have good reason to but what happened to helping each other caring about each other. It's people like the ones that posted these comments that make America an ugly place to live.

  16. Anonymous said...
    I have had to sign up for food stamps temporarily, but I'm amazed that after not many months, the balance on my card is up to $880. I'm caucaisan, have one dependent, shop frugally, get mu burger, chicken, and pork chops on sale and cook at home and can NOT spend that much money to keep the balance even. I have even made a special trip to buy only T-bones, Porterhouse, lobster, crab meat, shrimp, and tenderloin, and the balance is still 880.
    My kid has plenty to eat, and so do I. Oh, but I'm 190 lbs, and he's probably 150 at 18 years old. We don't weigh 300 each.

    May 17, 2013 at 4:18 PM

    What? Do I smell a lie with this comment?

  17. Anonymous said...
    This isn't about what's liberal or conservative. It's about what is morally right and wrong. If people want to hate the government we all have good reason to but what happened to helping each other caring about each other. It's people like the ones that posted these comments that make America an ugly place to live.

    May 17, 2013 at 5:58 PM

    You are one dumb ignorant person! This is not about helping each other and caring about each other. This is about what is right and what is wrong. There is no child in Wicomico County schools who is starving. The point is to make these free loaders work and pay for their own or don't have children. It is not my obligation to feed someone else's children. You can do that for me. You people vote for liberal Democrats who spend other peoples money. Pay my taxes please.

  18. If I have to pay for someone else's children to eat breakfast then they should allow my children to eat free as well. The Wicomico County School system has 53% of the student body who is FARM, free and reduced meals. That means we are not only feeding these kids breakfast we are feeding them lunch and dinner as well. You tax payers need to wake up and ask questions.

    1. Ok, please help me understand exactly how we are feeding them dinner? Are you really a complete moron..and of the schools that participate in the free program, every child eats, regardless of their status...idiot

  19. Fuss all you want...you are gonna pay if u like it or not...get over it...

  20. Stop using the school system as a welfare program and a social experiment petri dish.

  21. "Starving children"/"Christian" thing to do. Ya'll need to get out and see how the real world work you stupid peons. This has nothing to do with starving children. It all has to do with the fact that the dems have their heads stuck up the rear ends of the big banks, retailers and food corps who are the ones who benefit from this.
    If it were about starving children their would be a partnership between the govt and non profit food pantries instead of involving the bank which profit to the tune of 100's of billions yearly with the card transaction fees.

  22. Yep, it's all about big business and the corporations that specialize in institutional food service that get the contracts on these services. They dream it up and lobby the politicians.
    It's truly disturbing to see how damm dumb the American public has become to not see the forest through the trees.

  23. We need to quit giving out free handouts. When I was in grade school, I never ate a single breakfast. This was because my family could not afford it. Lunch was already $2.00/day and breakfast was just not a necessity. I did just fine, I was not malnurished, and I made A's and B's in class. These kids are not be "deprived" or "starved" simply because they did not eat breakfast. This is just stupid.

    To all those who write about Welfare and Food Stamps: I work with someone who has explained to me the people she knows closely who collect welfare, WIC, and food stamps. These people are feeding their children ketchup packet sandwiches and having shrimp buffet cocktail parties with adult friends. All 100% our tax money. They don't have to pay any taxes except S.S. and Midicare. Tax refunds are into the $8,000 range, but payment into the taxes are about $600/year. They profit $7,000 just by filing taxes. Drugs and alcohol are too often bought with our tax money (Daily purchases and usage). Take that to thought! This happens every single day. The U.S. government is rediculous and disqusting.

  24. The sad thing is that these kids are embarrassed and harassed due to their loser parents.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Ok, please help me understand exactly how we are feeding them dinner? Are you really a complete moron..and of the schools that participate in the free program, every child eats, regardless of their status...idiot

    May 19, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    Why don't do your own research before you call me a moron. The laugh is on you idiot! I work there and I know some kids are getting 3 meals a day and if you don't believe it you can call the schools yourself and find out. YOU STUPID MORON!!

  26. I saw a fat white girl with a child in Walmart today with her orange credit card also known as an EBT card. It's funny watching them swipe the card because they do it fast and try to swipe it before someone sees it. Quickly puts it a away in her wallet and quickly swipes the difference with a normal bank card.

    The point to my comment is that it isn't only black people that have the orange credit cards.


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