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Sunday, May 12, 2013


Texas high school student Jeff Bliss was gathering his things to leave class, presumably because his teacher was sending him out of the room. But he wasn’t going to go out without continuing to voice his opinion about how he thinks the class should be taught.

A video of the Duncanville High School student has gone viral since being posted on YouTube, showing Bliss leaving the room and giving the teacher a piece of his mind as to her teaching style.

The video starts with Bliss mid-sentence saying “…frickin’ go off on kids because they don’t frickin’ get this crap?” His world history class teacher can be heard saying “bye” in a disinterested voice.



  1. The teacher is a perfect example (by her words and the way she said them) of the union-based problems of the public school system.

    Not all teachers there are like that - but he was correct giving out a learning-packet should NOT be allowed!

  2. He has a valid point, but his actions also show his lack of respect. He is a reflection of just far society has degraded.

    The school system isn't teaching, and the students are ignorant in both actions and education.

    This matter should be taken up with the Board of education, and the principle and most of all his parents!
    I would be willing to bet he is in a lower level classroom where the expectations are low and where they are warehoused until they are finally old enough to leave.

  3. He is right. They ARE the future of the country. And the teacher IS a piece of crap. Its scary all the way around, from every angle...

  4. IDK, 449, he has a valid point. Kids sit bored as crap in class because they want to be challenged, and "Teach" is busy appeasing the female students who love to foll out "packets". When school sucks, kids don't learn, and this kid is probably tired of sitting with a group of peers that can only compare different brands of shoes that are unknowingly to them, all made in the same China sweat shop.

    I'm glad to see him stand for something instead of falling for everything.

  5. Scott, I think he may just want to learn no matter what type of class he is in. It is nice to see someone that wants to learn. Not so nice to how the teacher (in this case)not willing to teach. Not hearing it from the start of what happened I feel he stood up for maybe something his parents taught him (if not for himself maybe for someone else I the class room).FFT map

  6. I also read about this somewhere else. It said that his mother was also a teacher and that he had quit school for a year then realized how important an education was. Yes he was a bit disrespectful but he never once cussed at the teacher. He just wanted to let her know how she felt. He had a meeting with the principal next week to try to work this out. So far no disciplinary actions have been taken against him.

  7. No sympathy for him. He was apparently out-of-line prior to being sent out, which was not shown. Then, having been disruptive to the point of being sent out, he had to put on a show. In the interim all the other students are distracted and disrupted. Epic fail by him.

    Packets and worksheets are not the be-all, end-all but they are useful in a variety of ways as a way of presenting some material, and as a way to enable the teacher to see how each student completes the work.

    If he was such a ball of fire, he could have knocked out his GED during his year out of school and saved everyone, including his classmates and parents from his self-centered drama.

    The classroom has a wide variety of material on the walls so there is ample evidence the teacher is not just taking up space.

    There are teachers with a wide range of skills and motivations; there are students with a wide range of skills and motivations.

    If teachers could record and post video of the dysfunctional, disrespectful, lazy and uncouth students they encounter comments would be interesting also.

    IMHO, it is a shame willing and cooperative students have to endure drama of this sort on a routine basis. Glad she had him step out so the rest can get their work done. Do you think it is the first time he's been sent out? Kinda doubt it!

  8. Teach to the test baby! Our educational system is this way by design. I encourage everyone to check out "deliberate dumbing down"

  9. No respect ...from either the teacher or the student. You just "don't" talk to a teacher that way. There are other avenues for redress. Of course most of what he says is true...

  10. kids are bored in class because they want to be gaming, texting, drinking, having sex...They must want to learn. They can if they apply themselves. My FIL was self taught and a very bright man, proof of the pudding. And he had to work while at it. Taught himself to speed read and did a smashing job with several businesses. SELF TAUGHT!


  12. 11:18 am would you have made that stupid comment to Jesus? What's his hair length have to do with anything?

    1. It shows that he's a rebellious sob 5:50. How can he expect respect from others if he doesn't even respect himself. He has not "arrived " yet so to speak. When he does then he can do with his girly hair as he wishes.

  13. 5:50 do you think Jesus would be dissing the teacher, you moron.

  14. We need a mr bliss to visit the board of Ed


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