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Sunday, May 05, 2013


People are buying more weapons than ever before. An article below about Ruger gun sales.

Are Americans preparing themselves for war? Is the DHS preparing for war? DHS has bought enough ammo to fight a seven year war; yet citizens (and some police departments) have been shut out of ammo purchases. Why are the citizens of this country and the government arming themselves like never before?

Is war coming to this land? I’d like to know what you think….


  1. I don't trust this goverment at all. This is not the good old USA I remember as a little kid. This America only has one agenda and that is complete control of everything, everyone & everyplace. Its the NWO...

  2. The comparisons to Germany in the early 1930s is amazing. Is Obama arming his "Brown Shirts?" Any one that looks at what is going on has to be afraid for our liberty.

  3. we live in a police state the government is infringing on all our rights, you are listened to watched, tracked every day whether you want to be or not. The government has escalated the militarization of the police forces thus leaving no quarter to escape from them. sooner or later things are going to explode. Hell the cops can't even go in many neighborhoods any more because of the way they treat people!

  4. Police state LOL, yeah right. Citizens outnumber police 6,000 to 1. Paranoia is a dangerous thing......

  5. there is a revolution coming in this country. when it happens you will see blood in the streets and more carnage than you ever thought possible. these so called leaders of ours are taking us down a path where they wont want to go and i think they are too stupid to realize it. i dont know what the outcome will be but i hope it is for the better. thanks sjd

  6. 12:22 living with your head in the sand is much more dangerous. So keep watching dancing with the stars till TSHTF.

  7. 12:22 you seem to forget history. Look at the ration of jews to soldiers in concentration camps. There was a relatively small number of jews compared to the number of Nazi soldiers at those camps. But the German soldiers had weapons. Weapons are force multipliers. If we become weaponless, a large number of us can be effectively managed by just a few with weapons. Without the 2nd amendment, all other rights are just ink on paper - meaningless. But, 12:22, when this comes to be, we can use those like you to keep "them" occupied while we assemble, plan, and fortify our positions in defense of our beloved constitution and our country.

  8. Calm...
    We will hand it to the liberals soon enough.

  9. Obama will time the "last straw" to the 2016 election so martial law will cancel it, mark my words.

  10. George Bush should visit the White House and teach President Obama to say "bring it on".

  11. The world is headed to war. It's going to be China, Russia, Iran, and Norks vs. the rest of us.


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