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Monday, May 13, 2013

IRS Apologizes For Unfairly Targeting Conservative Groups In 2012 Election

A representative of the Internal Revenue Service apologized on Friday for the actions of a group of low-level staffers who unfairly targeted conservative groups for review during the 2012 election. According to the Associated Press, Lois Lerner, director of the IRS unit in charge of tax-exempt organizations, said that the employees worked out of the Cincinnati IRS office and were targeting organizations they believed might be in violation of their tax-exempt status.

Lerner said that the employees singled out applications for tax-exempt status from groups with “Tea Party” and “patriot” in their names, subjecting them to additional reviews. She acknowledged that the extra scrutiny was unfair and apologized during a speech at a Washington, D.C. conference.

Many conservative groups complained about IRS scrutiny during their application process. The anti-tax, anti-federal government organizations believed that they were having to answer too many questions in order to obtain tax-exempt status.


  1. I imagine the IRS and employees will be targeted by innocent Americans in light of the deliberate harassment by the Obama regime.

    There is no more " I was just following orders" escape for these morons.
    This kind of point blank intimidation will have repercussions.

    Just an observation.

  2. It also seems that this tactic of harassment has extended to the O'Malley regime in Md. as conservative small businesses or those that have contributed to conservative candidates are being targeted for audit at a record rate.
    The IRS, Federal and state better back off!

    There will be repercussions for their continued badgering and theft.

  3. There should be a lot more comments about this than anything.This you police state government at work.

  4. Nothing that keeping your cash on property and a .357 can't ward off. but, really , all of us should be really alert to this kind of treatment, seriously.

    How dare they? HOW DARE THEY?


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