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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hofstra Student Was Killed By Police, Authorities Say

MINEOLA, N.Y. – A Hofstra University student being held in a headlock at gunpoint by an intruder was accidently shot and killed by a police officer who had responded to the home invasion at an off-campus home, police said Saturday.

Junior public relations major Andrea Rebello was shot once in the head early Friday morning by an officer who opened fire after the masked intruder pointed a gun at the officer while holding the 21-year-old student, Nassau County homicide squad Lt. John Azzata said.



  1. That was a tough situation...HOWEVER, before the police come on here and say crap like "you don't know what it's like to have a gun pointed at you" (yes, some of us do), or he "POINTED a gun at a cop and the officer was in fear for his life" (they are always in fear, it seems), I will remind the police that your JOB is NOT to "go home safe each night" (thats a goal. Not your job), but to protect the community and to sacrifice your life in that endeavor, if necessary. THAT is your job. It is NOT to open fire on anyone who scares you. Especially if they have an innocent person in their grasp. It is not your job to wave off dead innocent victims as "unfortunate collateral damage" because you were afraid. If THAT is your view, turn in your badge. You DO NOT get to kill citizens (INNOCENT citizens, whom you supposedly SERVE) and say well, I was scared. He killed that poor girl. Justify it. With some whack "We are the Police!" reasoning and she got what she deserved because a criminal pointed a gun a one of us. Riiiiight.....I know her parents feel so much better now. See if she is included in the report the police issue each year about the number of civilians they have killed in the last calender year. Oh. Right. They NEVER issue THAT report. For good reason, too.

    1. Ok 7:40. You obviously have some deep seated hatred for the police or plain old authority. But please tell me that after your long bantering rant that you could have done a better job. Also please tell all of us here what it was or is you would have done. I'm anxious to here this one. And if you have nothing then maybe you should hang up your amateur attempts to chastise the officer in this case and future to come.

  2. From the Supreme Court okaying the confiscation of private property in order for the government to sell it to other private property owners (to increase the TAX BASE!), to the police stopping anyone they want (no cause or suspicion necessary any more) to search and seize anything they want, to the IRS (only rivaled by the omnipotent authority of the Secret Service) going after political groups they don't like (and letting others skate like Dororthy Hamill), this government is too big, too powerful, and no longer answers to anyone or anything. Its only gonna get worse. That is an historical fact. 100% of the time. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

    1. I wanna go to your church preach on brother

  3. Wow, this place is loaded with cop haters.

  4. 9:33....how about NOT firing at a suspect who is holding a hostage in his arms? How about taking cover, keeping the suspect in sight, and calling for back up? And for someone wearing a bulletproof vest, he acted like he was wearing a paper shirt. I told you to JUSTIFY that shooting. All you did was ask me a question. I answered yours. Answer mine. Further, there is a difference in hating the police and questioning their public master, gunslinging, we can kill anyone anytime attitude. Answer the question and address it to the girl's mom and dad.

    1. Please tell me you have a better solution than that 7:36. I mean that's something anyone who watches too much television and Hollywood would say. Get real!

  5. It's not about hating cops, it's about a severe disdain for people that think they are above the law.
    Paranoid people that think they are more valuable than others. Arrogant people that think they can get away with murder, intimidation of the innocent. It's about disproportionate response, it's about out of control Government.
    It's about hypocrites that abuse power.

    It just happens cops fit the category. If you don't see it you are blind.

    Dittos 7:40

  6. 7:50/7:53 I think you need go back on your meds. What is that rambling?

  7. Why is it we are labelled cop haters when we call into account the actions and mis-actions of cops?

    Could it be that that is their only defense for some of their actions and mis-actions?

    You are not hated when you are helping people. You are not hated when you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

    You are 'hated' when you are not helping people. You are 'hated' when you are suppressing the people. You are 'hated' when you are hurting and KILLING people. Not criminals, PEOPLE.

    You are 'hated' when you act like you have done nothing wrong when in fact most of the people are crying foul.

    You are 'hated' when you don't take responsibility for your actions but expect others to do so and accept anything you do as being correct and just.

    When it is PLAIN to see it is NOT.

    And you are 'hated' when you display your 'stupidity' in not recognizing that.

  8. Anonymous said...
    7:50/7:53 I think you need go back on your meds. What is that rambling?

    May 20, 2013 at 8:36 AM

    There is no 750. Maybe you should take your meds.

    It's only rambling when you refuse to see the truth.

    1. I'm sure they were referring to "unclaimed's" rant 2058.

  9. And I guess the suspect (now dead) had nothing to do with this incident at all? Come on imclain get a grip you moron! Thank God for the police. And for the record you only gave a thought. I want a true solution as to how it should have been handled. Where is it???

  10. Gotta love Monday morning quarterbacks. Put on the uniform for a day then report back. If you can't do that then shut up.

  11. Police don't live like they used to.They used to have normal,conservative homes and a conservative lifestyle.Now you see police cars sitting in front of $300 and $400,000 homes.Of course there is nothing wrong with that,but with that elevated lifestyle comes the responsibility of paying for it all.It seems unlikely that they would take any unnecessary risks during each tour of duty,because getting injured in the line of duty would jeopardize that lifestyle,and getting killed would destroy it.Trust me,the police with a conservative lifestyle will always take the bigger risks and therefore will make better officers.

  12. It should never , ever have happened! End of my thoughts.

  13. Sounds like imclain is the one that's scared here. A little lithium might help with the paranoia.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Gotta love Monday morning quarterbacks. Put on the uniform for a day then report back. If you can't do that then shut up.

    May 20, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    Example of point(s).

  15. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure they were referring to "unclaimed's" rant 2058.

    May 20, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    Ya think?

    It's always a rant when one doesn't agree with it isn't it?

    Regardless, they never answer the questions directly. They always try to spin it. Or deflect their responsibilities by saying such crap as 'put on the uniform for a day'. That's what we pay THEM to do, and to do it in a way that we want, not what they want.

    The badge and authority that goes along with it means you represent us and are doing our will, not yours. Some just can't seem to grasp that simple concept. They think they are allowed to do anything they wish and if we don't like it, tough.

    Well, that's not the way it works and that's why people speak out against it. And rightfully so.

    I would suggest if they can't do what we want, what we PAY money for them to do, then they should TAKE OFF THE UNIFORM.

    They are not deserving of it. Period.

    1. Give it a try 10:33. Then you may run your mouth.

  16. If the student had been killed by the intruder he would have been tried and convicted of murder. Does it make it any less of a murder that it was done by a police officer?

  17. Typical.

    Cop uses woman as human shield.

    Article never mentions how many rounds this Cop fired. Eight is what I heard earlier.

    That is the problem. No concern for anyone other than his selfish self.

    Had he restrained himself to shooting one shot this woman would be alive. But he went off shot after shot becoming less and less accurate with each shot, thus creating a huge possibility of killing the innocent.

    But he could care less as long as he is not shot that is all that matters.

    He will probably get a commendation for saving his own life.

  18. If I see an intruder in my bedroom door way and I manage to grab my always loaded and ready .223, .357 or 30-30 and let loose with 8 rounds and hit the guy with 7, but one of the rounds misses and goes through the wall and into the neighbors house, where it kills a sleeping teenager, how much prison time do I get? 25 to life. Wearing a badge should not absolve you of murder. The "avoid firing at a criminal when an innocent civilian is in the way" IS and always should be, the FIRST cop reaction. When did you cops start thinking it was okay to kill civilians as long as you got the bad guy? HUH? If it was YOUR kid in that position, I GUARANTEE you wouldn't have opened fire. Why not? So as to avoid doing to YOUR kid what this cop did to SOMEONE ELSE'S child. So cop training for hostage situations no longer includes sealing off the area, bringing in more backup, and trying to REDUCE the possiblity of civilian death? INNOCENT citizens have a right to "life". I'm pretty sure that's in the Declaration of Independence. And I'm not trying to give you too much information. And NO COP gets to become Rambo and take that life because he was afraid for his own. Spin it however you like. Doesn't change the facts. A cop shot an innocent girl. Right in the head. TRYING to kill a criminal. With great authority comes great responsibility. Now it just comes with great arrogance.

    1. See? More rant. You don't know what you could've or would've done. Why? Because you weren't there!!! Keep fantasizing imclan.

  19. Unclaimed is clueless 10:43. One track mind.

  20. Answer the question. How many years in prison would I get? If your entire refutation is that I'm "clueless", you're getting too much credit for having an IQ. Answer the questions. Would the cop have fired those eight rounds if it was HIS daughter? He wasn't firing at some stationary target down range, you dummy -- it was a moving criminal with an innocent citizen as a shield. Innocent. But DEAD now, too. JUSTIFY IT. Answer the questions, Rambo. And for clarification, the post at 7:53 was intended for another thread. But don't let me give you too many things to think about at once. Answer the questions....if you can.

  21. Still waiting for the answers....

    1. Somebody please reply. Looks like lmclain is coming unglued!

  22. Alright unclaimed, I believe the objective was to neutralize the threat which was accomplished. And in "good faith" the woman fell victim (for a second time) to the, in her case, "friendly fire". Now if you have ever been in a situation as such you might know how this can happen. I do credit your attempts to tarnish the officer however. You are an awesome Monday morning quarterback.


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