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Friday, May 31, 2013

High School Teacher Faces Disciplinary Action For Informing Students Of Their Rights

Rather than being reprimanded, Illinois high school teacher John Dryden, should be held up as an example of what it truly means to be a teacher. When confronted with a situation where he knew his students might be giving up their Fifth Amendment rights, the social studies teacher did what he believed was the right and moral thing to do. For that action, he may be disciplined. From Reason:

A high school social studies teacher in Batavia, Illinois, faces disciplinary action for informing students of their Fifth Amendment rights in connection with a survey asking about illegal drug use. The survey, ostensibly aimed at assessing the needs of students at Batavia High School, was distributed on April 18. After picking up the survey forms from his mailbox about 10 minutes before his first class of the day, John Dryden noticed that they had students’ names on them and that they asked about drinking and drug use, among other subjects. Dryden, who had just finished teaching a unit on the Bill of Rights, worried that students might feel obliged to incriminate themselves—an especially ticklish situation given the police officer stationed at the school. Since there was no time to confer with administrators, he says, he decided to tell his students that they did not have to complete the forms if doing so involved admitting illegal behavior. Tomorrow the school board will consider whether and how to punish Dryden for taking advantage of this teachable moment.



  1. Can you imagine that! How dare a teacher actually try and teach a class much less teach them about the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

    This teacher deserves a great deal of credit for standing on principals something obviously missing at the school he teaches at.

    This kind of thing proves why their school system is failing.

  2. Another thing the so called authorities don’t like is when you tell folks about “Jury Nullification”, judges go nuts!

  3. Marxism at work.

  4. I wish all teachers cared like this one.

  5. If this story was reverse, and the teacher convinced the students to bypass the 5th, he would get a national award... hell, maybe even the Nobel Peace Prize!

  6. Union led no doubt.


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