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Sunday, May 05, 2013

George Zimmerman's Decision Leads to Summer Trial

A Florida judge questioned George Zimmerman today on his decision to waive a hearing under the state's "Stand Your Ground" law, which means that he is likely heading for a trial this summer in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.

The pre-trial Stand Your Ground hearing would have given the judge the discretion to free Zimmerman, eliminating the need for a trial. But the validity of a Stand Your Ground defense would be determined solely by a judge. Zimmerman's defense team has decided to put their case before an entire jury.

"We'd much rather have the jury address the issue of criminal liability or lack thereof," Zimmerman's lawyer Mark O'Mara said.



  1. would love to know what they are feeding him. Supposedly gained over 100 lbs while incarcerated

  2. Good decision. With a judge he would have been found guilty because of back door deals from Obama!

  3. I'm pretty certain he has been out on bail for quite some time.

  4. 9:35, and thats what you took away from this story, I am sure his weight gain is due to the stress he is under waiting to find out if he will be in prison for taking the trash out.

  5. Good! Lets get all the facts on the table and let the jury decide. I'm tired of the clowns on both sides screaming about this guy's guilt or innocence even though they don't have a clue about the details of the case.

  6. 7:10-I agree,but a lot depends on the jury selection.It seems like everything is rigged anymore when racial issues are at hand.The problem here is that there will be riots on one side or the other regardless of the outcome.

  7. Gerald, retired Detroit copMay 1, 2013 at 9:46 AM

    It will be hard for Mr. Zimmerman to get an impartial jury, but if he does, he will be acquitted, he was defending himself, the news media has already tried him in the court of public opinion, BUT, without all of the facts. The media chose not to show the photo’s of Mr. Zimmerman with his head all cut up, and the stitches in the back of his head, nor his bloody nose and cut lip. The media also choose to not tell the public about why Mr. Zimmerman even questioned the kid.
    For several weeks, his neighborhood has been victimized with burglaries, perpetrated by hooded black teens! One burglar victim actually saw them breaking into his house and called the cops, of course, they got away.
    The media also choose not to inform the public about the kid’s criminal past, nor his drug use. The truth doesn’t draw in readers, or watches, so the media spins it to sell, and an innocent mans life is ruined. He disserves a medal and free legal representation.
    When the verdict comes out and he is free, lets all go down for the free for all and have some fun shooting looters!

  8. The media also choose not to inform how the father of Martin lied. When upon first hearing the 911 tapes of someone calling for help he couldn't identify the voice as being his son's. Then just like magic when he figured out this was beneficial to Zimmerman's claim he changed his story. The apple does not fall far from the tree-the "parents" are dishonest and that is passed on to what they spawn.

  9. 946 "the media" has done plenty to play up the side of the story that you just narrated. I saw plenty of this all over the conservative media outlets. Sounds to me you are just another one of those people 710 is talking about. You don't have all the facts; only what you have seen/heard on tv

  10. LOL-Don't you just love it Gerald, who I take by your username has spent a good deal of time in court. All these outhouse lawyers who claim to want to hear all the "facts" are clueless to the "fact" that the "facts" are out there. "Fact" stands that Zimmerman had multiple injuries consistance with a psysical altercation with another person. Doesn't matter what Martin did before hand or who started what. All that matters is did Zimmerman have sufficient and reasonable belief to think his life was in danger. He didn't know how old Martin was, whether he had a weapon, whatever and none of that matters anyway-what he should have done, what he could have done-makes no difference. It's called "facts" and "fact" is Zimmerman was getting the crap beat out of him and fought back and how he fought back doesn't matter either. The "fact" that the family is dysfunctional and the kid out of control does play into the overall picture.
    The only "clowns" are the ones who are sitting around so self rightously waiting to hear the "facts" when the only "facts" that have significance and demonstrable bearing are right in front of their noses and they wish to ignore them. Oh those damm "facts."


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