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Monday, May 13, 2013

Former Nixon Aide Claims He Has Evidence Lyndon B. Johnson Arranged John F. Kennedy's Assassination In New Book

Roger Stone claims Johnson ‘micro-managed’ Kennedy’s Dallas motorcade, demanding it pass through Dealy Plaza on the afternoon he was shot

He also says that Johnson, instructed Richard Nixon to hire Jack Ruby several years before he shot Lee Harvey Oswald

The revelations are made in his book 'The man who killed Kennedy - the case against LBJ' out later this year

A renowned Republican strategist and lobbyist has claimed that former president Lyndon B. Johnson set up John F. Kennedy’s assassination, which occurred on November 22, 1963.

Roger Stone, 61, makes the claim in his upcoming book 'The Man who killed Kennedy - the case against LBJ,' which is set to be published in October.

He also writes that Richard Nixon and Johnson had a documented relationship with Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald’s killer, years before he shot Oswald in the basement of Dallas police headquarters in 1963, reports The Daily Caller.


  1. Question: What was LBJ doing the instant that Kennedy was shot?

    Answer: Covering his ears.

  2. Would not put anything past Lyndon Johnson.

  3. The CIA killed Kennedy. ANYONE familiar with everything they did and lied about (available in OFFICIAL government documents and Congressional records), cannot come to any other conclusion. The CIA deliberately mislead Congress and the Warren Commission and even FAKED evidence in order to implicate a lone gunman. These facts are readily available to the public, but anyone who talks about it is ridiculed and denigrated by the CIA and its minions in the press corps. And they have quite a few of them. But there is NO question the CIA killed him. NONE. Johnson was probably in on it, but the scheme, set-up, and execution was CIA.


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