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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fish: The Most Dangerous Food On The Planet?

Did you know that a whopping 60 percent of our fish are now factory farmed?

How about that by 2050, our planet’s oceans will be completely depleted?

Or that fish live in water that is so polluted you would never dream of drinking it, yet you are ingesting all of these contaminants, bacteria and heavy metals every time you choose to eat it…

An Environmental Catastrophe

Our oceans are on the brink of collapse. In less than 40 years, we will have exploited our world’s oceans to extinction, all because of our unrealistic demand for a food that could quite literally be killing us, our beautiful planet and the incredibly diverse organisms that inhabit our waters. Along with the 90 percent of the ocean’s large fish being completely fished out, we have caused permanent damage to the ecosystem that is frankly irreparable. Now there’s a pause for thought.

Apart from the extensive clearing of land and cattle grazing to grow soybeans and a plethora of grains to feed factory farmed cows, pigs and chickens, the other often underestimated driving force behind deforestation is lurking in what can only be described as floating factory farms.

In an attempt to solve the inefficiency of feeding 70 wild caught fish to produce one salmon for human consumption, the ‘genius’ idea of vegetarian fish was coined. However, it is inherently unsustainable to feed soy, corn and a multitude of other plant foods (most of which are GMO) to animals, in place of using that plant protein to feed people directly.


  1. Sounds like Al Gors next scam.

  2. the us of a poses regs on all fishing, the only country to do so. it's like us being the only "greenies". Other nations catch & sell what they want & sell it to us for sale in our markets. why not simply allow americans their fishing rights?


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