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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Europe Plagued With Islamic Attacks

(Reuters) - A French soldier patrolling a business neighborhood west of Paris was stabbed in the neck and injured on Saturday by a man who fled the scene and is being sought by police, President Francois Hollande said.

The 23-year-old was patrolling in uniform with two other soldiers as part of France's Vigipirate anti-terror surveillance plan when he was approached from behind around 6 p.m. and attacked with a knife or a box-cutter.

A police union spokesman said surveillance footage of the attacker showed him as tall and bearded, aged about 35, possibly of North African origin and wearing a white Arab-style tunic.

Hollande, in the Ethiopian city of Addis Ababa, commented on the stabbing to say police were hunting for the attacker but did not provide any details about his identity or any possible motivation for the attack.



  1. A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.

  2. these countries invited this to happen. we are doing the same and will have to suffer if we don't do what must be done to stop the muslims from overtaking our nation

  3. Wake up peoples!

  4. It's just a matter of time when some Islamic terrorist hack up an American on our streets and behead him and dismember his body. You liberal idiots are to stupid to see it coming.


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