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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day/Ireton – “City Moving Forward Quickly”

Mayor James Ireton, Jr. and Salisbury City Council President Jacob Day are pleased to announce forward movement on many Salisbury fronts;

Law Enforcement

· Cops Grant – 3 new Cops applied for by Salisbury

· Safe Streets grant submitted to GOCCP

Business Development

· Capacity Fee Amendment for easier payments

· Wastewater Credit Allowance – Helping Pepsi and Perdue save money and stay in Salisbury

· Discussion of EDU Free Zone downtown and possibly beyond for economic development

Cycling in Salisbury Taking Off

· Funding to construct bike lanes on South Blvd. between Riverside Drive and Camden Avenue (which will connect to the bike route leading downtown!)

"I am pleased to work with the Mayor and my fellow City Council members on moving so many important initiatives forward. I have been overwhelmed with the collaborative spirit of everyone in City leadership and believe that bright days are ahead for us. I believe that compromise is not to be avoided but creates a formula for all of our community to grow," said City Council President Day.

“Monday’s work session was so productive, and I thank each council member for their efforts. Staff is starting to see that hard work and perseverance will show results. On behalf of Salisbury employees and Salisbury residents, I express my gratitude for the Council’s work,” said Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr.



  1. Was there a cut in spending that will offset the credits given to Pepsi and Perdue?

    Of course not.

    Where will they make up the revenue?

    The citizens of course!

  2. Once a coffee/cake fetcher, always a coffee/ cake fetcher. No ability to decide for himself.

  3. Maybe you rattled the cage & things might change.

  4. What a crock...that bike lane is going to be nothing but trouble....I expect to see more accidents invoving bikes, but the idots on the council and the dt won't be reporting them.

  5. how about we GET A MOUNTAIN/OFFROAD BIKE TRAIL????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  6. Are these two running as a ticket for Governor and Lt. Governor or something?????

    Ireton used his friends and kicked them to the curb. Did he even once include Terry Cohen in something when she was president? Or Louise Smith?

    Is the man just a woman hater?

    Also, if you read that DT article on the EDU's and read between the lines too, you'll see it's Terry Cohen that has the idea for "beyond."

    Almost everything on Ireton's campaign door hanger was due to the "Council's work" and he wasn't man enough once to "express my gratitude" to them.

    Ireton is no leader, just a performer.

  7. Anonymous said...
    What a crock...that bike lane is going to be nothing but trouble....I expect to see more accidents invoving bikes, but the idots on the council and the dt won't be reporting them.

    May 22, 2013 at 12:18 PM

    And that accidents will help justify the 12 new fireman paid for with that free money grant. But wait! They are firemen, not paramedics so they won't be any help.

  8. Why didn't Jim Ireton do any Press Release with Council President Cohen? This is obviously a fluff piece to rub salt in the wounds. I am pretty sure Mr. Day didn't write his part of this release either. I wish someone would do a successful recall on him. I would like to know who is writing Jim's Press Releases.

  9. 2:38 PM ask "Why didn't Jim Ireton do any Press Release with Council President Cohen?"

    And the answer is..... hard to write a press release when everything is tabled for further information/investigation.

    By the way, has the lawyer turned in his bills yet from last Oct to present? That should get the taxpayers screaming foul.

  10. 2:25 "DT article on the EDU's and read between the lines too, you'll see it's Terry Cohen that has the idea" .

    I did not have to read between the lines because that is exactly what Cox wrote in his DT article.

  11. 3:08 PM is that you Chuck Cookie or Ireton himself?

  12. He forgot to mention this feel good photo op.

    Today the Mayor announced that the Salisbury Fire Department was the recipient of a $208,210 grant to purchase new state of the art radios. The grant was written in-house and they were up against a alot of competition and WON! Way to go SFD! Congrats!

    By: Jim Ireton

  13. 3:08 - Laura Mitchell writes in.

  14. I respect Day's comments.

    Ireton comes off as immature again, however.


    Somehow I think the 30-year-old council president is going to show the 45-year-old mayor how an adult acts. (He's already been shown, of course, but maybe a younger person and a man instead of a woman might be able to get it to sink in.)

  15. 3:08 - Laura Mitchell writes in.
    May 22, 2013 at 3:59 PM

    Nope not Laura, it's me, Ree. But most of my comments are hacked from Joe's site, so I understand how you didn't recognize me.

  16. Oh come on, people. It's pretty easy to see what's going on here.

    Ireton spent two years blaming and bashing Cohen and Campbell and Spies for everything. (As somebody pointed out, everything he claimed he did during the campaign was done by or with the help of that same council.)

    Now that Campbell is gone, the next two years are "I told you so."

    That will hang Cohen and Spies for the next election.

    Also, sad to say, but a big part of it is likely still his childish rubbing salt in the wound for Debbie Campbell. That further boosts Day at her expense.

    No one ever said Ireton was a gracious winner and we know he is a bad, bad loser (witness his temper tantrums at council meetings).

  17. Spend the bike lame money to fix the streets in salisbury.

  18. 11:44pm he won't do that, it would make too much sense. By fixing the streets, he can raise our taxes.


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