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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day Selected To Next American Vanguard

Mayor James Ireton Jr., is pleased to announce that Salisbury's City Council President Jake Day has been selected to the 2013 Class of the Next American Vanguard. The Vanguard is a competitive fellowship, hosted by Next City (www.nextcity.org), gathering the country’s best and brightest urban leaders. This year’s event is made possible with support from The George GundFoundation, Positively Cleveland and Downtown Cleveland Alliance.

According to Next City, Vanguard members are high-level, creative and ambitious
people under 40 who seek to improve their cities and work for local non-profit organizations, in city government, as social entrepreneurs, artists and in other related fields. Each year, they select 40 people who have demonstrated their ability to have an impact on their city or the national dialogue about urban issues and bring them together for an inspiring series of presentations, workshops, tours and other activities.

This year’s group is more geographically diverse than ever, with members hailing
from 28 cities — including, for the first time, a Canadian city (Vancouver). The 2013 Vanguard class, along with Vanguard alumni, will meet in Cleveland in June for workshops, local tours and an “unconference” to collectively learn and think about how to improve their cities. "I am honored to be selected and to join an incredible class of leaders from cities around the country," said Council President Day. "I hope to bring back lessons in revitalizing our city from attending entrepreneurs, community leaders and even 2 other city council members."


  1. Clearly you need no experience or tenure on the job to qualify, only some taxpayer funding for the trip and registration!

    What the heck is a Social Entrepreneur? Sounds Neo-Marxist to me!
    Do these guys realize they are first class buffoons?

  2. LMFAO. Almost as good as Obama winning the Nobel.

  3. This is incredible. After only a month on the council?

  4. 2:12 That's nothing. Last week Obama rode his bike around the White House garden which means he won the "tour-de-France.

  5. Let me guess, the other two council members are Mitchell and Shields, right??? The class of clowns go to Cleveland. This is nothing more than a nonsense committee spending a mini vacation on taxpayer's dime and nothing else.

  6. anonymous 2:46, And who doesn't know how to spend more than none other than Laura Mitchell. I heard she's asking for even more expense money so she can run to Annapolis and feed herself and her husband. Rumor has it they also was hotel expense money too.

  7. This Jake Day is just another another wolf in sheep's clothing just like Obama.Obama did not earn that piece prize.

  8. I see another Obama in the making!

  9. The guys been on the job 2 months what a joke, Kinda like Salisbury "100 Best communities".

  10. The two other city council members referenced are probably from other cities.

    Hey, I give the guy his due. On the other hand, the article mentioned "the ambitious."

    Day's ambitious. He's got political plans. Any false modesty about that would be just pulling a Liarton.

  11. "Mayor James Ireton Jr., is pleased to announce that Salisbury's City Council President Jake Day has been selected to the 2013 Class of the Next American Vanguard."

    And why does Jim Ireton have to make this press release? This goes to show you that Jake Day was hand picked by Jim Ireton and now Jim Ireton runs the entire city. What a shame for the citizens of Salisbury. Jake Day you are owned by Jim Beau. Do you hold it for him when he goes to the little boys room?

  12. Can you honestly tell me the purpose of this blog?

  13. 4;31 Are you really that damn stupid to ask a question like that you would win the dumbest person of the year if they had one.This site is far better than anyone one the Eastern Shore. It is not called sbyNews for no reason you frikin idiot.

  14. 4:31 Truth, maybe? What people write on the article is up to them. The publisher posts relevant information for us, the people, to say what we want to say. Just like you did.

    You have a choice to be here, to post, to bash, to whatever. Don't we have enough blogs about what Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are doing? Or do you feel we need another?

  15. "Experience" and "History"? A whole MONTH of it? He's a shoo-in!


    Have a nice vacation to Ohio on the taxpayers' dime. I'm glad I 'm not paying for this!

  16. Leftist Democrats just love to bestow themselves with meaningless little trophies. The T-ball generationgrownup where everyone wins a trophy --just for showing up.

  17. The only reason Jake made a name for himself, is because of his family ties. He's a "man", who has accomplished nothing on his own. A laughingstock in his own mind.

  18. I can't stand to look at this photo of the jerk! He dishonors all service people who actually serve and do so honorably. Jake is nothing but a sham. Everything he does is for his own benefit and no one else's.

    If he is soooooo special, why couldn't he land a real job, with a real company if he actually had the education he claims he has. The fact is, he is only smart in his own mind, and he hasn't accomplished anything on his own.

    He isn't a man. He's an overgrown little boy that can't do anything without somebody else doing all the hard leg work, and he comes in and takes all the credit.

    He is nothing but a con man and nothing more.

  19. I think that Richard Outten from Fruitland would also have been an excellent choice. He has certainly managed to get some things done there that have been needed for quite some time.

  20. Agenda 21 conference. I'd bet my check the funding for NextCity, GundFoundation, etc...at the top of the pyramid are the likes of Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Carnegie, Gates, Turner....all known eugenicists!!

  21. Sooooooo much butthurt. Where were you whiners on election day? Did you vote?

  22. Anonymous said...
    Can you honestly tell me the purpose of this blog?

    May 24, 2013 at 4:31 PM

    Can you honestly tell us the purpose of you visiting this blog? Get lost! I wish we knew who you were so we could expose you then block you like Facebook does.

  23. Why didn't Jim Ireton do a press conference on all of Debbie Campbell's accomplishments? Or Ms. Cohen or Mr. Spies?

    Why didn't Jim Ireton do a press conference or press release on his 2 entitlement queens with their accomplishments? Oh wait. There weren't any.

  24. Remember Day was bought by the Chicago realtors and company. He must dance to their tune if he is to get any money. He is a bought and paid for con man and he is selling Salisbury...and not for its good promotion. Chicago is here folks and Day/Ireton brought them here. Remember that.

  25. " Vanguard, an annual conference hosted by Next City and held this year in Cleveland, gathers the country’s best and brightest urban advocates. This year’s event is made possible with support from The George Gund Foundation, Positively Cleveland and Downtown Cleveland Alliance.

    Our attendees are high-level, creative and ambitious people under 40 who seek to improve their cities and work for local non-profit organizations, in city government, as social entrepreneurs, artists and in other related fields. Each year,
    we select 40 people who have..... demonstrated .......
    their ability to have an impact on their city or the national dialogue about urban issues and bring them together for an inspiring series of presentations, workshops, tours and other activities."
    (Quoted from the Vanguard Conference Web site)
    Sounds impressive..but I don't get the "demonstrated" IRT to Mr. Day.
    Here we go again folks..chasing windmills and not doing the tough, nitty gritty work necessary to fix Salisbury.

  26. That is one ugly dude!

  27. Who is paying for this trip and why? Can anyone confirm if the taxpayers of Salisbury is paying for this trip?

  28. Anon 9:52 - What? Like let the police chief choose his friends for all the new high paid staff positions? Did he check to see how qualified they were?

    1. Not sure what you are talking about..the only person recently hire was a code enforcement officer that had been doing the job for several months before. If you feel that way, you should speak up. Maybe people don't always know those kind of things, so don't assume that they do.

    2. Sounds like a comment by Ted Lokey...Mr. Quitter.

    3. There haven't been any "new" positions in Fruitland in years...sounds like a hater.

  29. 10:25. The big mouths on here don't live in the city.

  30. Drew said...
    10:25. The big mouths on here don't live in the city.

    May 26, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    That is the problem. Instead of running their mouths on here they should have helped Joe and Debbie out with their campaigns.

  31. 4:53 the big mouths on here are smart enough to not live in the city!

  32. Jakey has never done anything worthy of mention. I'm willing to bet, right here and now, he'll mention the memorial garden at JMB when he's running for a state office. That's how little that "man" has to his name lol

  33. there he is in his uniform...again.

  34. when is the last day he worked?

  35. missing his first council meeting already?

  36. Wonder when Mr. Jake was today. He certainly wasn't at the Memorial Day Services to honor our Veterans at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center this morning.


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