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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Critics Say Immigration Reform Will Run Up Welfare Costs

A Republican senator warned Tuesday that a bipartisan immigration-reform proposal now under consideration would allow illegal immigrants to take advantage of government welfare benefits much sooner than the 13-year time frame outlined in the legislation.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said loopholes in the legislation would permit those who came to the U.S. illegally to collect cash assistance, food stamps and health care benefits long before they earn a green card and a pathway to citizenship.

Sessions and other critics of the bill believe it will drive up government spending on social programs. Newly legalized immigrants may not have immediate access to federal benefits, but many states don't stop them from getting cash assistance, health care and other benefits.



  1. Why do you think they keep coming here? DUH! We keep putting more bait on the hook!
    Free handouts make voters vote for those who promise more free handouts.

    Get it?

  2. MD and soon to be DE, has SAME day voter registration, HOW can any person be verified as a LEGAL voter. the Democrat party is setting themselves up as permanent dictators. time to move


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