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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Congressman Andy Harris: "Big Surprise Coming This Fall" Because of Obamacare

Congressman Andy Harris, MD went on WBAL’s The C4 Show earlier to discuss the news last week that Blue Cross Blue Shield of MD proposed raising health insurance rates between 25-150% for young/healthy people because of Obamacare. He also addressed the testimony that Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius gave last Thursday before the House Appropriations Committee he sits on regarding these rate hikes. In the interview, he refuted her claim that these rate hikes are “unlikely” because of “more competition.”

Listen to the radio interview here.


  1. I own a small business with 5 employees and our Health insurance just renewed on May 1st. Our premium more than doubled for the SAME insurance! And our agent says our policy will probably be withdrawn in October and we might be placed in O'Malley's insurance exchange. OUCH!!!

  2. This is what happens when people don't vote.

  3. 10:39 - and too many that shouldn't vote do!

  4. The cost of Obamacare is going to kill small businesses. That was Obama's plan all along. Our only hope now is to get the Democrats out of the Senate and repeal this terrible, costly, Socialist, law.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    The cost of Obamacare is going to kill small businesses. That was Obama's plan all along. Our only hope now is to get the Democrats out of the Senate and repeal this terrible, costly, Socialist, law.

    May 3, 2013 at 9:04 AM"

    Yep, it's the democratic plan. They want to kill all small businesses so there is nothing let but a handful of large corps controlling all commerce and services. The democratic party is a party of slaves-the policians controlled by big business and the peon voters being controlled by the politicians. The voters have been so dumbed down they can's see this though.


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