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Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Fiscal hawk Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) is known primarily for attacking reckless and duplicate spending programs in an effort to get our nation's budgetary woes under control through spending cuts.

However, in the NFL and other professional sports leagues, he may have found some revenue enhancements. The Republican senator is hoping to go after the tax exempt status of the NFL and other leagues currently classified as "non-profits." The NHL and PGA would also fall into this category.



  1. I do not watch sports or TVMay 14, 2013 at 8:51 PM

    Why not...they will all be gay soon anyway...

  2. That nfl could ever say it is a "non-profit" group is a joke. Right?

  3. The NFL is "non-profit"? Wow. The bribes must have been HUGE. Stunningly huge. Good thing they don't call themselves "The Patriotic NFL".

  4. 7:55 The NFL is non profit, but the teams are a "business" The NFL money goes to the teams, current and former, their free film industry, research and development, and then salaries, etc of NFL employees, refs, etc. The team is responsible for players, stadiums and their employees and all that.

    Not too hard to figure out, and it's been challenged forever, kind of like the Redskins name change. Every few years, some idiot think they have a case, and it goes away fairly quickly. This will go away soon enough. Coburn is an idiot, and should be looking into house and senate members taxes, including his own, I'm sure.

  5. The NFL gets favored tax status, and the military gets a crapload of propaganda distributed by them. It's easy to see how this works.

    I'm not saying anything bad about our soldiers here. I'm saying that the military industrial complex gets favors in return for providing other favors.


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