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Saturday, May 25, 2013

CITY COUNCIL AGENDA May 28, 2013 6:00 P.M.

Government Office Building Room 301Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.

6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER




6:12 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Kim Nichols

 April 23, 2013 closed session minutes (separate envelope)

 May 6, 2013 closed session minutes (separate envelope)

 May 6, 2013 work session minutes

 May 7, 2013 budget session minutes

 May 9, 2013 budget session minutes

 May 13, 2013 regular meeting minutes

 May 14, 2013 budget session minutes

 Resolution No. 2277 – adopting a Computer and Internet Use Policy to define 
guidelines and restrictions regarding the use of computer resources and communications technologies by City of Salisbury employees

 Resolution No. 2278 – adopting a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Use Policy 
to define guidelines and restrictions regarding the use of remote network and system access by City of Salisbury employees

 Resolution No. 2279 – entering into an agreement with Wicomico County, 
Maryland to use their emergency backup power generator to power the City Server and Network Equipment in the Government Office Building

 Resolution No. 2280 – declaring that SCRIBEAMERICA, LLC is eligible to 
receive Enterprise Zone benefits for property located at 100 East Carroll Street, Salisbury, Maryland

 Resolution No. 2281 – approving a waiver of Resolution No. 1312 (Paving 
Policy) for the utility connection at 309 East Main Street Resolution No. 2281 – approving a waiver of Resolution No. 1312 (Paving Policy) for the utility connection at 309 East Main Street

 Resolution No. 2283 – approving a reallocation of a portion of the FY13 
Sewer Fund Budget to appropriate funds for a concrete breaker and backhoe

6:17 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Mayor’s Proposed FY 14 Budget
Ordinance No. 2243 – appropriating the necessary funds for the operation of the Government and Administration of the City of Salisbury, Maryland for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, establishing the levy for the General Fund for the same fiscal period and establishing the appropriation for the Water and Sewer, Parking Authority and City Marina Funds

 Ordinance No. 2244 - amending water and water and sewer rates to decrease sewer rates by 6.5%, making said changes effective for all bills dated October 1, 2013 and thereafter unless and until subsequently revised or changed

6:50 p.m.

RESOLUTIONS – City Administrator John Pick

 Resolution No. 2282 – requesting permission to accept, from the U.S. Marshal’s Service, two new vehicles currently described as a silver 2013 Dodge Caravan and a silver 2013 Ford Explorer which will be outfitted with emergency equipment, all at no cost to the City of Salisbury and will be utilized exclusively by the officers assigned to the U.S. Marshal’s Service and the Capitol Area Regional Fugitive Task Force (CARFTF).

 Resolution No. 2284 – approving an allocation of a portion of the MTBE 
settlement to appropriate funds to cover a portion of the cost of the Park Water Treatment Plant Meter and Piping Improvements Project

7:10 p.m.

ORDINANCES – City Attorney Mark Tilghman

 Ordinance No. 2245 - 1st reading - approving a Budget Amendment of the 
FY13 General Fund Budget to appropriate funds received from the Speed Camera Program to purchase a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) and accessories for use during natural or manmade disasters and large crowd control

 Ordinance No. 2246 - 1st reading – approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund to appropriate funds received from the Speed Camera Program for the purchase of a high intensity forensic light source and viewing glasses for criminal investigations and the purchase of a K-9 heat 
alarm temperature sensor and door opener

 Ordinance No. 2247 – 1st reading - approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund to appropriate the funds received from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for emergency operations conducted in preparation and during Hurricane Sandy in October 2012

 Ordinance No. 2248 - 1st reading – adjusting the Capacity Unit Fee in accordance with Chapter 13.02 of the City Code

 Ordinance No. 2249 - 1st reading – adjusting the payment schedule for 
Comprehensive Connection Charges in accordance with Chapter 13.02.070 of the City Code

 Ordinance No. 2250 – 1st Reading – amending Chapter 13.04 of the City 
Code to create a Wastewater Credit Allowance by adding Section 13.04.100

 Ordinance No. 2251 – 1st Reading – adding Chapter 15.23 to the City 
Municipal Code, to create a procedure under which the City may petition the Circuit Court for appointment of a receiver to rehabilitate vacant structures, to demolish vacant structures, or to sell vacant structures or vacant lots to qualified buyers

 Ordinance No. 2252 – 1st Reading – approving a Budget Amendment of the FY2013 General Fund to appropriate funds for Attorney Fees

7:40 p.m.

8:00 p.m.



  1. It should be titled "Passing the demise of the City's Financial Health."

  2. I'm done with it. We really do not care any more. Let the bastards have at it & see where things go...to hell in a handbasket, I imagine.


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