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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Child Safety


  1. just goes with what I've been saying we have no idea who these illegals are that we want to come acrossed our borders. your illegal immigrant neighborhood maybe really really nice was probably a killer back where he was from. shut our borders down now.

  2. Um, the Obama admin. has been specifically targeting violent illegal immigrants as opposed to mass deportations of the average working Jose

    1. yeah targeting violent offenders that have committed once they've gotten here nobody knows for sure what they have done before they came

  3. 7:11 Is that the same Obama who had his hand in giving our firearms to the drug cartels, then losing track of them? I'm sure "he" knows exactly what he's doing.
    end sarcasm

  4. Um 7:11 are those the same known terrorist from Saudi Arabia they invite to the White House? Wake up! These kids don't matter no different than the 100's that have died during his term from violence in the inner city and drone strikes abroad. The only ones that matter are the ones to push the globalist agenda of his handlers


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