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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Breaking News Shooting In Salisbury

Paramedics were asked to expedite their response to Johnson Road in the area of Eastwood Circle in Salisbury for an alleged shooting. It is alleged that the suspect was shot by the Maryland State Police.

Update The Sheriff's office has requested additional paramedics at this time. It is alleged that someone at the above address was dragged.


  1. I drove into that moshpit of cop cars on my way back to work from lunch. Please keep us updated Joe.

  2. Joe, Whats the latest on the hanging at the detention center?I have seen nothing on the news on in any of the newspapers.Anothert cover up by the Pollitt gang.

  3. Just wanted to make it clear that this is not in the city limits. Although I despise our mayor and the increase in crime and not the decrease he lied about during the campaign, this cesspool is in the County. There are two crime infested cesspool trailer parks in Wicomico County and that is one and the other is in Fruitland.

    1. The only reason those cesspools and a few others are in the county is because the city intentionally left them out while annexing areas immediately surrounding some of them. Rightfully of course, can't blame them for that.

  4. Wow 8:32, you couldn't get more biased could you?

  5. Fact is fact and truth is truth. Should be called as it is.

  6. For those of you bashing the residents, why don't you start with the owners of these trailer parks. Boeneck, I'm sure is the park being in referenced in Fruitland, and has been run down for 30 years plus some. I haven't been out there over fifteen years, but when I did know someone that had to live there, people lived in trailers with holes in their floors, and plastic on their windows. When I was a kid, there a was child that went to school with me, who lived in a trailor, that the side was just propped up against it. Nice right. Well obviously, by reading the comments posted, the first thing to be done would be call CPS and have the child because a child living in such a dwelling. Sorry folks, the tenant was not responsible for the upkeep of that trailer, the owner was. Johnson Road too, has been rundown by years. And that was solely on the owner. After he died, I heard it was cleaned up, and I heard little about the trailer park for some time. If all of you want to gripe, start by addressing the owners, who keep these properties maintained like this to begin with. Some people only live there, because that is the choice they have at the time.

    1. Call CPS, lol! Now that is funny! CPS doesn't do a damn thing to protect these children in any way shape or form from abuse yet alone neglect! Take a walk into the umpteen schools in the county and you tell me what the hell CPS does. They are a damn joke.

  7. @9:01
    Have you even checked your statements? The city line is over a mile away from this trailer park. You are just plain wrong.
    @9:58 You bring up some great points, thank you for being sensible.

  8. 10:15 if you read correctly it said "some". It did not say that one in particular. Now if you were to look at a map of the city and actually tour the areas left out of the city you would know why. Be sensible before spouting off.

  9. Substandard housing is a huge issue in Salisbury. As you can see from the top post today the manor of Salisbury is more than happy to let students take over houses and whole neighborhoods for families honest hardworking decent families should be able to afford to live. This has to change. The mayor and his SAPIA buddies rule the city. What does it take to restore our neighborhoods?

  10. 9:58 There are other options such as complexes that accept rent vouchers and Section 8 and other forms of rental assistance. I know from experience a lot of people choose not to live in such places because their are rules to follow. I know of some who weren't allowed to get a dog so decided to live in a place not even fit for a dog just so they could get one (which they could ill afford to begin with.)

  11. Is the park in fruitland run by Houlihan???


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