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Sunday, May 26, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Boy Scouts OK Plan To Accept Openly Gay Boys

Boy Scouts of America's National Council votes to ease long-standing ban and allow openly gay boys to be accepted as Scouts.
From Fox News


  1. This country is full of sick people and weak minds. Caving in to the homosexual mentality is a sign of weakness. This country is failing and doomed.

  2. You can't pray the gay away!

  3. I have to wonder if Gay parents would be ok sending their straight kids to a camp knowing they will be sharing a room with the opposite sex.

  4. ...how sweet...nut cases are causing the whole country to fall apart. They have perverted a great institution. Daniel Beard is probably rolling over in his grave.

  5. Obama is certainly smiling. We are past the point of no return. This country is doomed.

  6. Why not just let them be Girl Scouts ?

  7. Well, There goes a Good Organization down the drain!!!!!!

  8. how many here have boys still at home and you would be willing to allow them to be associated with this organization; including overnight camping?

    I agree with Most of the posts. this will be the end of The Boy Scouts as we know it.

    this type of open behavior weakens a nation. check out your history. so sad. by the way; why would I want to know any ones sexual preference? I don't announce that i'm hetro-sexual. why should gays feel compelled to do so? just shut up about it. keep it to yourself. besides any sex outside of marriage is wrong. I know you can get married according to the "state"; but in the eyes of God, since this is an abomination, you're not married.

  9. So those of you who have such a big problem with this simply need to pull together and start your own organization, based off the scouts model, and run it the way you see fit. Problem solved.

  10. So why couldn't the gays have started their own organization based on the BSA's model?
    The LGBTSA?

    1. That would've been too easy 9:20. But then nobody would've noticed them nor give a crap. You see it's all about attention. The more these gays get the better they feel.

  11. 920 because y'all let them in and they changed it from within. Same thing has happened to alot of churches that have been threatened with legal action for not performing gay weddings.

  12. Anonymous said...
    So those of you who have such a big problem with this simply need to pull together and start your own organization, based off the scouts model, and run it the way you see fit. Problem solved.

    May 24, 2013 at 5:07 AM

    I have a better idea you liberal moron. Why didn't the homos start their own organization instead of force feeding us into accepting their mental issues.

  13. Seems like the only morons are folks like you who don't seem to know how to run an organization based on the principles you subscribe to. This wasn't some federal mandate or state law. Your own group decided to do this. Now you want to point the finger at everyone but yourselves. Lol


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