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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Berlin Budget Passes Without Fire Company Funding; BFC Attorney Requests More Talks

BERLIN -- Despite an 11th hour request, the Berlin Fire Company (BFC) will not be included in the Fiscal Year 2014 budget for the town of Berlin, but the Mayor and Council did agree to continue a dialog and left open the option of revisiting the budget.

Unanimously passed Tuesday, the FY14 budget for Berlin will total $13,514,462, a 2-percent decrease from last year’s budget. However prior to the budget being voted on Tuesday night, BFC representatives asked that the council meet with company leadership with the goal of being included in the budget for FY14

BFC attorney Joe Moore acknowledged that the relationship between the town and the company has been frayed over the last year, but advised Mayor Gee Williams and the council that everyone should move on to reach a mutually beneficial situation.



  1. Good for the Mayor and city council. To bad Jim Liarton wasn't like that. We would save millions in tax dollars.

  2. 5-31-13
    They have REACHED a beneficial solution. The mayor and council have MUTUALLY agreed to NOT let a contingent of 'Holyer than Thou' renegade hose beaters drag the City of Berlin into a lawsuit they could NOT even begin to WIN. Gee Williams has the authority to curtail relations with ANY non-City sanctioned groups that are subversive to the ORDERLY progression of Berlin City Business and thank God he had the STONES to use it. There is NO fault on the behalf of the Town. Fault lies with the Chief and Trustees of the Fire Company for NOT having the intestinal fortitude to take the appropriate action against their OWN MEMBERS. For once HATS OFF to local electees who have demonstrated they have the GOOD of the electorate at heart and it should continue even now the Fire Company KNOWS it is wrong whole-salely and wants to be re-instated as a benefactor but does NOT want ANY OVERSIGHT by the group that provides the MONEY. Boys,YOU GOT WHAT YOU PAID FOR. Sorrowfully I cannot reveal my name for I am a public trust member BUT I am on the side of the Mayor and Council 100%.

  3. Eng.you have balls running your mouth behind a key board.you probably lil Tony town Mgr. It is in the town charter stating the town must provide fire protection to the citizens of Berlin. Your tax dollars are being wasted on stormwater that still wont prevent flooding wait til the town starts getting a bill for all calls in town limits they will be broke in no time.oh and tony Carson,hope your wife doesn't find out you have been sleeping with the lady from wastewater for the past couple of years. And the town council lady's son child molester !


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