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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Benghazi Buzz: Obama Predicted To Leave Office

To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.
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  1. Prediction= Obama is laughing about the whole situation. Nothing will be done. He will get away with anything , he already has.
    We all know this administration has lied and covered it up. Sad part about it , most people don't care and worship this person called Obama (satan).

  2. Disgraceful and treasonous.

  3. How much more does it take to realize this bunch of democrats in Washington are against us out here.Its like there taking out something on the American people.

  4. He should be tried and convicted of treason. He and his thugs are guilty and most responsible citizens know it. Everytime he opens his mouth, he lies to the american public. He cannot be trusted and needs to be removed and impeached and NEVER be allowed to hold any office ever again.

  5. Obama should be impeached. Seriously, really, no question asked.

    IMPEACHED - and Hillary should go as well.

    NOte to fellow Americans. Please oh please wake up. Is this what you want in a country?

  6. Pray it happens..or at least the death of hillaries political career..

  7. Why would he resign, the democrats are so afraid of him they would never even think of impeachment proceedings.

  8. Probably as much as it took Reagan to get out after Beirut bombing.

  9. 7:03 They are! They were called to revenge by the Neo-Marxist Obama himself.
    They are militant liberals hell bent on pressing their immorality and alternative to capitalism.
    Total Government control.
    They are and have been implementing the basic steps outlined in the Communist manifesto for some time now through the education system and public office. They disguise themselves in the cloak of the Democratic party and maybe church but they are really flaming Neo-Marxists.

    Stalin, Lenin, Marx... all laughing in their graves at America. Their plan is working and Obama deserves all the credit!

  10. Huckabee is losing it.

  11. How much more does it take to realize that this is bigger than democrat vs republican. This is about corporations, private and military. It's about banking oligarchies, the "in crowd": Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger, zbrynski, Rumsfeld, Bush, Kerry, Obama, and the rest of the cult of eugenics freaks. This is sooo much more than dem vs rep like a football game. That's where they want the public, simple divide and conquer. This is about Hegelian dialect, order out of chaos, supply and demand as they so boldly put it at the end of the new ironman. Benghazi had to happen to supply the globalist al Qaeda forces with missiles they can use to justify the martial law and stripping of the constitution. I agree we can start with impeacent, but it shouldn't stop there. War crimes and embezzling charges for the whole cult of crooks.

  12. Please take a look to see how many we're killed during bush.. Same situation... 57 individuals

  13. Not true 9:40. We had 0 ambassadors killed under Bush. Not even close to the same thing and Bush never lied and covered it up.

  14. Big difference 9:40, no B.S. blame on a video. No lies, no P.C. pretense. No cover-up.
    Just terrorists. It's what they do.

    Obama AIDS terrorism.

  15. Anonymous 9:40

    The correct numer is 60. Please try to prove wrong

  16. Obammy is getting kicked out of office?! The best response to that is YAY!!

  17. Nothing will be done, But if it should, would we be better off with a President Biden?

  18. On the flip side, Biden would then be chief. Not really a promising picture there. We are pretty much screwed either way.

  19. Haha, more GOP hyperbole, will just make them less likely to get re-elected. When will these idiots ever learn to appeal to moderate thinking Americans.

  20. Lets see who is left in our government that is not compromised in one way or another that has the guts to confront this lying communist Muslim sack of excrement. I don't think it will be many. Also 9:49 you are the idiot. "Moderate" is a code word for gutless p..../kitty cat.

  21. Nothing is ever done with this despot and his goons. There are still a couple of dead Border officers who have been totally forgotten by everyone in DC. All they have to do is wait long enough and all goes away. The only way things will change is when the public rises up and changes things themselves. Guess that's why all the effort to take guns away from us and they get to keep them.

  22. Obama will leave in 2016.


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