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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Racially Profiled Latinos, Federal Judge Rules

PHOENIX, May 24 (Reuters) - Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio violated the constitutional rights of Latino drivers in his crackdown on illegal immigration, a federal judge found on Friday, and ordered him to stop using race as a factor in law enforcement decisions.

The ruling against the Maricopa County sheriff came in response to a class-action lawsuit brought by Hispanic drivers that tested whether police can target illegal immigrants without racially profiling U.S. citizens and legal residents of Hispanic origin.


  1. That is a crock of B.S.

    We all know that Arizona is loaded with illegal aliens from Mexico so how is that racially profiling. Nothing like the Obama administration going on the attack for the best sheriff in America.

  2. as if everyy person from the Middle East wasn't going over with a fine tooth comb after 9/11 get real

  3. Illegal is illegal, he was doing what he promised under the oath, to uphold the constitution.

  4. Arizona needs to take a lesson from Commiefornia. In Ca, while looking for a larger black male, they shot two groups of women, one of the groups were 2 Asian women.

    This is the new world, welcome.

  5. besides being descriptive of their races, what does that have to do with...anything?


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