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Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 5-14-13


I fished the Wicomico River yesterday and thought I would send you some pictures. The Mayor and Council of this city should be ashamed of their part in allowing this once great river become so polluted with one sewage spill after another and garbage so thick on the water that duck's can't swim thru it. Salisbury must hold the World Record for sewage spills for no one is held accountable.
Why do the folks living along this river and the restaurants and businesses put up with it? Have you ever wondered why the cancer rate is so high here? Just look closely at the water. MDE is totally worthless and does nothing to help and rarely hands down the fines this city deserves for ruining the river!

Publishers Notes: Mayor Ireton wants the River to look bad so he can shove that new rain tax, (or whatever he wants to call it these days) down your throats. I agree, the Mayor should be ashamed that he lied to the public. He doesn't care about the River. He only cares about taxing people as a liberal. Just like O'Malley, they'll invent ways to tax people. Unfortunately there was a day when the conversation was actually about the well being of the wildlife and not the eyesore that River now creates.

Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, Jim Ireton spent around $10,000.00 per pipe coming into the River to catch this debris. How's it working for you now? Oh, by the way, do you see the Daily Times, WBOC or WMDT covering this pollution, ever? Yeah, that pesky Joe Albero, he's such a mean man for exposing such things and telling the TRUTH.
UPDATE: The Skimmer Boat remains in dry dock. Photo taken around 9:00 AM this morning.


  1. what a sad sight!!

  2. And the skimmer boat remains in dry dock! It's been there so long, it probably doesn't work any more, since it's not covered and exposed to the weather.

  3. Wont be long till these liberals strom drain tax everybody in this city than a year later everybody in the county.

  4. I got a tax if your liberal pay 90 percent of your check to government so they can so called help people. If your conservative just 7 percent

  5. Just to clarify, MDE can't really fine the city (Its called federalism). I think it is pretty amusing the same people who think MDE should fine the city are the same people who staunchly oppose liberal taxation. Doesn't that sound contradictory?

    Still, this is a sad sight and everyone in Wicomico County, not just politicians, should be embarrassed. We don't need the government to clean up the river, we need to do it ourselves.

  6. anonymous 9:12, Let's get something straight here.

    When the LIBERALS allows pollution to go on with the purpose of TAXING others to clean up YOUR mess, you better believe I/We have a problem with it.

    Here's the thing Folks. The liberals pollute the River, the MDE comes in and FINES the City and guess what, YOU pay the fines. The liberals couldn't care less, as long as their friends get away with the pollution.

  7. I bet if we had a full time mayor hed drive the skimmer boat his self and clean the river in about 2 hours

  8. The river condition mirrors the condition of this city's mayor in general. Full of s...
    Oh well, just suck out more taxes from the working people of Salisbury, that will fix it(NOT).

  9. anonymous 9:25, If I had been elected I would not have any problem with that. I think in the past I have proven to the citizens that I'm a hands on kind of guy and I have done quite a bit to personally help where I could.

    However, if I had become your full time Mayor I would have filed suit against the company that charged the City $10,000.00 for BS units to catch the pollution in the first place.

    Ask yourself these questions.

    Do you believe the majority of citizens voted for a gay Mayor?

    Do you believe the majority of citizens voted for a $19,000,000.00 a year rain tax?

    Do you believe the majority of citizens voted for 500 affordable housing units Downtown?

    Do you believe the majority of citizens voted for Lockout Ordinance, allowing the Mayor and Police Chief to shut down businesses and even residential properties with two complaints in two years?

    The bottom line is, it was your election to lose and you lost it. How, well, that's up to you to figure out.

  10. Aww poor ducks! So sad.

  11. What does being gay have anything to do with this? The rest of your incredibly valid points are nullified by this ignorance.

  12. This is what happens when you let idiots vote for idiots.

  13. nasty. so embarrassing.

  14. the city the neighborhoods and perdue are all part of the problem!
    maybe they ought to make all those receiving government help get down there and clean it! at least we'll be getting something for our money! after all most of this trash comes from the surrounding neighborhoods!

  15. Stop crying joe, call the EPA.

  16. The low mentality voters obviously were contented with things the way they were,and still are.

  17. anonymous 9:40, ALL I am saying is, this is the Eastern Shore. Announcing you are gay is NOT going to help garnish votes on the Eastern Shore.

    If you actually believe announcing you are openly gay is going to help you win an election, well, I don't think so. That's all I'm saying.

  18. anonymous 9:58, CRYING, your kidding me, right? I'm LAUGHING.

    Unlike you, (anonymous) I at least was man enough to actually step up to the plate. YOU hide behind anonymous and tell me to quit crying.

    Yeah, I'm all sad because I lost a $25,000.00 a year job, I think not.

    Now, let's get back to the POINT here. None of you jackasses have said anything about the river being as polluted as it is, typical liberals. That goes for anonymous 9:40 as well. You must be so proud of Jimmy and your River.

  19. This river use to be my favorite river to bass fish years ago when I lived across the bridge. It was well worth the long drive to fish here. You never had to start the big motor to catch all the bass you wanted. I now live 15 minutes from the river and don't go there anymore. It is very sad

  20. 9:40 thinks they are some political correct guru you just cant see the forest thru the trees

  21. wow, i wouldn't want to fish in that water for the simple reason that i may have to touch a fish that was in that water to remove it from my hook.


  22. I know its about the river but the comments some of you liberals make is the reason my tax paying ass as pack my bags and leaving this state behind

  23. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 14, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    This "SEWER DUMP RIVER" is Disgusting example of this Joke of a Mayor. It wasn't long ago when Ireton was proclaming the clean up of the Wicomico River where kids will be able swim again. Would you let your kid to step into this Muck Of Sh#t? It's not the first time Ireton have broke promises and lied to people. And some of you Liberals and Ireton Lovers are attacking Joe Albero for uncovering and reporting the truth? Shame on you.

  24. someone please throw jim in the river.

  25. Being a Salisbury resident for many years I think the attitude of 9:39 about sums up the problem with Salisbury in general - APATHY. If the majority of tax payers had bothered to get up off of their collective butts the election may have turned out differently. Also I agree promoting being gay openly is only going to help with the far left and homosexual vote in the area. The Eastern Shore majority is still consevative as evidenced by state and federal individual county election results.

  26. Jimmy shi*"s in the river, exposes himself at MoJo's, goes naked on the beach at Rehobeth....OK

  27. This city has gotten so dirty in the last 10 years it makes me sick and is an embarrassment. Every time we have a windy day I have to go out and cut the plastic walmart bags out of my trees because people just chunk them and don't care what trash they live in. This city is now nothing but a slum ghetto!

  28. The problem with fining a municipality or any public sector entity is that it's paid with taxes, so in essence your money. Until people are fired, required to relinquish pensions and benefits and barred from any public sector job in the future whats the point?

  29. Don't blame the council for the skimmer being in dry dock.

    Cleaning up the river is the mayor's friggin responsibility. The council gave him the money he wanted for the things he wanted and he's claiming he's made a difference in the river. The creek people said it was because of the drought.

    Liarton. That's the right nickname.

    Also, there is no pride here. Did you hear Lynn Cathcart going off last night about all the dog poop in the dog park not getting picked up?

    People told you it would happen.

  30. Why all the blame on the mayor??

    He isn't the one throwing the trash in the river. The people that don't give a rats ass and mooch off the taxpayers are the ones who throw the trash. Maybe if people stopped littering, it wouldn't be a problem.

  31. This is from JimIreton.com

    Mayor Ireton proudly help present “The Creekwatcher Report: The Health of The Wicomico River.” Thank you to Dr. Judith Stribling from SU, Matt Hurd from DNR and all those at the Wicomico Environmental Trust and all of the wonderful Creekwatchers that made this report possible!

    Here is the report

  32. Having lived here for almost 10 years I can tell you that littering is a time honored Shore tradition. I pick up beer cans near my house constantly. Its on a back country road too so you cant blame the come heres. Funny how the cancer rates are so high yet no one even mentions that in the comments. This is a sad place.

  33. The city sold the skimmers years ago. I think it is privately owned now and I doubt that anyone from the city has asked abut buying it back, leasing it or contracting its service.

  34. Joe why dosent someone ask the mayor at the next council meeting about the skimmer being dry docked ALL the time.

  35. I remember that skimmer running all the time when Martin was Mayor.

    I remember skiing, swimming in the Wicomico.

    I remember a world with out Liberals - but then they became teachers, and pushed there non moral agendas in the schools. Now our kids want this.

    Now I just wait to be gone from all this, because my next journey through life will be with out those people.

  36. AS a result of the liberal and low information voters you end up with a homosexual mayor.You end with a governor O'malley You end up with a president Obama. These do nothing Democrats don't care about the economy or the planet. all they do is keep the country in debt and and tax the pants off of people. Conservative is not in the vocabulary of a liberal thinker.They have no conscious and to think about all this mess with the IRS with these liberals.I LOVE MY COUNTRY BUT ASHAMED OF MY GOVERNMENT.

  37. If Joe had won this election the river would had a chance. I don`t think the current Mayor cares about it or he would be doing something to get it cleaned up. I couldn`t vote in this election if I could of Joe would have gotten mine.

  38. I would never take my boat into that, and especially run my motor through that scum. Whoever took those pics is brave.

  39. You had your chance Salisbury--to become a revitalised thriving city like Frederick or to become the next mini Baltimore City. You chose the leftist Democrats and you will get what you voted for. District 2 the blame is on you.

  40. Fished and ate perch, rock, cat and a few other types of fish from the clean Wicomico River in the early 70's and I spent probably 150 days a year doing it because that's what we did as kids and I wouldn't be able to catch anything now let alone anything I'd eat! The Wicomico is an embarrassment from the city limits to the head of it at Snow Hill Road! To think they are worried so much about this river and then be it's biggest polluter makes Salisbury a JOKE!!!

  41. The mayor is a joke and liar. He simply can't tell the truth about anything except his sexual preferences.

    He is taxing the life out of us. For all the taxes I have to pay, I EXCEPT TO SEE DOCUMENTED RESULTS for my money. Why should we pay taxes for this river that Ireton keeps telling us he is making it clean. The only thing he is keeping clean is his laundered money!

  42. My husband water skied for a long time on the river. Looking at those pictures made me want to lose my dinner. Today a lady asked me about shopping downtown. I told her go to Berlin. I was embarrassed when I thought about downtown.

  43. Thanks 6:46 for trying...
    Apathy at its finest!

  44. If this is an example of using what the city has to offer to bring businesses to the area, and to enhance the downtown the mayor is completely crazy.

    Look at these pictures, would anyone be proud of this mess?

    I would strongly suggest the mayor get off his ass, and start to actually go to work for the city and stop his bullshit. He is being paid to work, produce results that can be seen or you will be gone.

    What the hell are we paying taxes for? Now you want to impose a stupid rain tax on us, and what will you use the money for?? Exposing your nasty self at the restaurant again? Or will you use the money paid as your salary to actually be the mayor and get to work and do your job?

    Ireton is a sorry excuse for a mayor. Just another city official stealing $25,0000. a year from the taxpayers.

  45. Seems like WBOC is watching this site again Joe. They stole your story. Of course Ireton made up some lame excuse. I couldn't really tell what he wanted to say because someone at wboc screwed up the story online and it didn't make sense.

  46. Those pictures look like ducks walking on a wet street.
    Now with those 6 ft. drainage pipes on waverly, why wouldn't you expect everything on top of the ground to be washed into the river?


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