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Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 5-10-13

Dear Joe,I have tried to keep my thoughts to myself; however everytime I view the segment with Hillary saying after all this time what is the point, I could just scream: the answer idiot, is the American people deserve and want the truth about why 4 Americans tragically died and the people in charge did nothing!!

As far as Obama is concerned I am speechless and disgusted by his behavior!

I recently moved back to Wicomico County (thankfully not to Salisbury) and as a result needed to change my address with the elections board; and took the opportunity to change my party affiliation to unaffiliated. I will fore go the primaries if I have to, but I can no longer endorse a life long party affiliation I no longer can believe.


  1. Her tirade was obviously contrived.
    She is not a very good actor. Shallow and fake. Keep in mind, she knew when she testified she was lying and had lied about the video.

    Where was her rage on Sept. 11th 2012?

  2. Obama's new slogan for Benghazi is Hope and Change the Subject.

  3. All the present admins lied in unison here, and lie through Jay Carney every day to us. The Republicans continually have nothing to offer as well; just look at who was advanced and who was thrown to the wayside in the last primary, making me think the two parties are for the same goals. I voted for Gary Johnson this time around after going for the "lesser of 2 evils" hook for 40 years because he deserved the job. So did Ron Paul.

    So, yes, 1:12, I think I agree that the primaries are over hyped, but I'll stay registered Repub just so I can vote for a best Independent and show the Country there are people willing to step outside the Jackasses and elephant dung parties.

  4. THE POINT is you and your cronies are incompetent, an as such should not be in any position of leadership where such events could happen again.

    THAT is the "point" Hillary!

    To prove the point, she and her cronies still don't get it.

  5. Not a good way to talk about your next president!!

  6. I change partys over three years ago.

  7. Salem all over again.A witch hunt plain and simple.

  8. 10:37 Wrong. The hunt is over. She is the witch.

  9. Fact, if she's a Democrat she is a liar.

  10. Many, many, many more Americans died in embassy attacks by terrorists under the two Bushes and Reagan than Obama. Where was the outrage then?

  11. Anonymous said...
    Many, many, many more Americans died in embassy attacks by terrorists under the two Bushes and Reagan than Obama. Where was the outrage then?

    May 11, 2013 at 10:18 PM

    Prove it. Show stats. And then, if successful, prove there was a coverup.

    We will be waiting.

  12. 10:18 The issue is not that the people died. The issue is that there was a cover up and the administration blatently lied to us concerning the matter. If you are too ignorant to comprehend this then you are obviously part of the problem with the political system today and not part of the solution. Have a great day.

  13. Second that 9:30!


  15. Thank you, 930!

  16. Just proof that the liberals are here to stay ruin the country.

    ANYONE who is stupid enough to vote for Obama, is surely stupid enough to vote for Hillary.

    You cant get out of this world alive, it appears. I only hope the idiots that support the idiots in office get paid back somehow.

  17. She lied to us, period, and on purpose for an agenda. And on top of that, there is word that 30 +/- others were injured in the attack. Have we heard any testimony from 30 other people injured and involved?


    Any questions about this! I have many, but they are not included in the "Testimony", are they. I wonder why not?

  18. Also 9:30 there was a large window of opportunity to aid the attacked embassy but for whatever reason (possibly the upcoming 2012 election) they chose to listen and watch the attack all the while ignoring the present cries for help as well as the requests weeks prior. Then to add insult to injury they claim this was the fault of some guy here in America who insulted Allah through some video!

  19. This is 9:30. I agree with all said above. It is a tragedy whenever an American dies by hostile hands and I am outraged that the AC-130's were not sent to give support but I do believe the "witch hunt" as the sheeple refer to it as would not happen if their president and his worthless administration had just been honest. These so-called "leaders" were elected to represent the American citizens and time and again they are failing us. This should not be a right and left thing but a right and wrong thing. Perhaps one day a person will be elected based on his personal beliefs and ideas as opposed to what party they are affiliated with or what groups they represent.


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