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Monday, May 13, 2013

1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps from U.S. Gov’t -- $2 Billion in 2012

The federal government spent more than $2 billion to provide food stamps to Puerto Rico in 2012, up to 25 percent of which is untraceable because it is distributed in cash and there is “no way to verify that funds are spent on food,” according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The funds are used to supply more than one-third of the population of Puerto Rico with food stamps.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) for Puerto Rico, an unincorporated territory of the United States, received $2 billion in Nutrition Assistance Block Grants in fiscal year 2012.


  1. They get much more than food stamps. If you sign for credit there, there is something like 6 months before you can be foreclosed on for non-payment. It's a regular musical chairs for many who take turns living in PR and NY. I remember that the very first McDOnald's to go out of business was there due to all the social programs they were forced to fund for PR citizens.

  2. And they're not even a state.

    Amazing how it might be if they were granted statehood!

  3. cut em loose, they ought to be able to survive on their own just like the rest of us!

  4. They only vote kook liberals in who know what they want.

  5. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 14, 2013 at 9:09 AM

    7:15 would it surprise you if you heard Obama's intentions are to make Puerto Rico the 51st State? Well, that's exactly what Obama is pushing for and you know why? Between 75-80% of people there vote Democrats every time there is an election. So the plan is by bringing their population in, our Government Dependency increases from 48% to 51% which means Majority For Democrats In Every Election For Many Years - masterfull plan by King Obama himself. Folks, it's time to wake up, We the People Stand Up for our Liberties and Freedom.

  6. 9:09am
    Everything made sense until your last statement. If you really believed in Liberty and Freedom, wouldn't you want to honor Puerto Rico's own desires for statehood and a part of the freest nation on Earth?

    Also, remember that the biggest 'mooching' state is Alaska, which was granted statehood under a republican: Dwight D Eisenhower. So this whole conspiracy about Obama wanting a majority of democratic voters... well it wouldn't be the first time would it?

  7. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 14, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    WOW, COMPARING OBAMA TO EISENHOWER? NO COMPARISON, Thats shocking to me, you should of compare Obama with Carter about who's the worst. Like Alaska was so populated those days? Alaska has vast natural resource, what does Puerto Rico has? Besides, strategic positiion close to Russia, which was very important in those days. Not only Alaska became a state in those years, Hawaii the lliberal haven as well. So back to Obama - conspiracy, huh? Kind of like that Anti-Muslim Video in case of Benghazi, they called that also the conspiracy. You liberals can call it what you want, but let it be known The Truth Shall Set you free, better sooner than later. Think Independent. Vote Independent.


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