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Friday, April 19, 2013

Woman Kidnapped From Emergency Room

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) -- Salisbury police have charged two men with kidnapping a woman from a hospital emergency room.

Officers say the woman went to the emergency room at Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment about 4 p.m. Monday. Police say he ex-boyfriend followed her from the waiting room into a treatment room and, after a nurse left, stuck a handgun in the woman's side.

Authorities say the man forced the woman into a car driven by another man. As the car traveled on Route 13, the woman jumped out and ran.



  1. my my my one of them had a gun in the er. isn't that a gun free zone? tsk tsk tsk shame on him. guess he doesn't know the law huh

  2. Having Security doing other things, stuff medical personal should be doing, and this is what you get. I hope this woman sues PRMC into the ground. But what could security do anyway since the CEO took away any restraints ie handcuffs away from them.

  3. I wonder if this incident happened while security was escorting the CEO to her waiting car, you know...to protect her from the staff.

  4. Well, the CEO doesn't need a security escort... she is rarely there since she got her PhD. You must be talking about the COO... who continues to drive away directors and managers of long experience...


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