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Monday, April 22, 2013

Today's Survey Question 4-22-13

Do you feel safer since 9-11-01?


  1. From terrorist but not our government!

  2. Anonymous said...
    From terrorist but not our government!

    April 22, 2013 at 12:09 PM

    Why do you feel safer from terrorists?

  3. NO! And I feel much less safe with Obama in office!

  4. how can you feel safe with the govts we have at all levels. thanks sjd

  5. H E Double L---NO! How could anyone with the proliferation of al qaeda which was made possible by either the complete incompetence of this admin or done intentionally.
    But what I want to know is how come it perfectly acceptable that obama's protege/advisor Bill Ayers participated in domestic bombings? Now you know if it had been discovered that Mitt Romney associated with T McVeigh the left would have been mortified.

  6. for a while, but the last 3-4 years, not so much. (see 12:09)

  7. in my own home - yes

    in general - not since obama was elected

  8. I did when Bush was in office, now not so much. Muslims stick together!

  9. The attacks on Benghazi, Libya, Fort Hood and Boston were acts of terrorism. It would be nice if we had a president that treated them as such. Say what you want about President Bush, but he would have addressed these attacks accordingly and immediately. No cover ups with Bush in Office. You Obama supporters are idiots and nothing but a JOKE! To stupid to vote. You people that voted for Obama have blood on your hands.

  10. i don't necessarily feel safer, but i don't feel any less safe either.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I did when Bush was in office, now not so much. Muslims stick together!

    April 22, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    Was that before or after he let 140 saudi's fly out of the country after 9-11? (after 19 were involved with the hijackings)

  12. No cover ups with Bush in Office. 12:58 PM

    lmfao. That's a joke right?

  13. The White House just announced that the 19 year old bomber would not be charged as a enemy combatant. So now I guess we don't call them terrorists anymore just politically correct enemy combatants. Remember in a civilian court in Mass. there is no death penalty. So Obama is protecting a Muslim Terrorists. How much more of this Muslim can we take?

  14. Not at all the United States have let so many foreigners come here to live that the terrorist are living right here with us. The know all the ins and outs at anytime to commit terrorism on all of us. We also have alot of American Nuts living here that go on shooting sprees at any time I will never feel safe.The world is a very bad place right now and getting worse every day!

  15. Of course, to say otherwise is ignorant of facts.

  16. When Bush was in office...yes I felt safe...

    with a Muslim in Office and his wife refusing to see the persons affected by the bombing, but Michelle goes to the terrorist family for visits...

    NO I DO NOT FEEL SAFE with Obama in office!

  17. No because Obama is a wuss. George Bush was a real man, who promised to keep us safe and he did.

  18. Hell no. There are thousands of terrorist in this country just waiting for the right opportunity to harm us. This threat has increased since the election of Obama.

  19. When president Bush was in office, I felt a great deal safer. Since obama became president, I don't feel safe at all.
    He will not do anything to the muslims who create and cause terror and they know it. He is a large part of the problem and should never have been elected to any government position. These are his people and he will protect them.

  20. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me , also my many weapons.
    I only fear the Lord.

  21. Not with the wimp we have as president.

  22. George Bush kept us safe?? Have you forgotten 9-11?

  23. Mayor James Ireton, Jr., is pleased to announce that he is forwarding the name of Richard Hoppes to the Salisbury City Council for consideration for the position of Fire Chief of the Salisbury Fire Department. “It has been an honor to have Acting Chief Hoppes as our Chief since 2010 and twice since I came into office. He is an exceptional public servant and is committed to fire and EMS service for our citizens. It is with that service to others in mind, that I nominate this exceptionally qualified man for the position of Chief,” said Mayor Ireton.

    Acting Fire Chief Rick Hoppes began his career with the Salisbury Fire Department as a volunteer in 1985. He began his career service with the Department in 1988. Rick has held many operational and administrative positions during his 28 year career, including Firefighter/EMT, Firefighter/Cardiac Rescue Technician, Lieutenant and Training Officer, Captain, Assistant Fire Chief, and Deputy Fire Chief of Operations. He has spent the last 3 years as Acting Fire Chief of the SFD.

    Chief Hoppes currently holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration from Columbia Southern University and an Associate of Applied Sciences degree in Business Management from Wor-Wic Community College. He is a graduate of the National Fire Service Staff and Command curriculum and he has continuously strived to increase his education and training in the fire service throughout his career.

    Currently holding certifications as a Maryland and National Firefighter II, Fire Officer IV, Fire Service Instructor III, Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Hazardous Materials Technician and Incident Commander, Chief Hoppes is an adjunct instructor for the Maryland Emergency Management Agency where he is credentialed to teach all of the National Incident Management (NIMS) courses.

    Chief Hoppes has received numerous awards throughout his career, including multiple Unit Citations, Department Commendations and Meritorious Service Awards. He has been married for twenty-nine years and has three children. He and his family are very active in their church and in his spare time, Rick enjoys woodworking and golf.

  24. Worse since this MUSLIM is in Office.

  25. thugs haven't gotten any kinder, so I'll say hell no! I'd feel safer if I could carry open or concealed!

  26. 9-11-01 has nothing to do with why I do not feel safer. This country was warned about Osama Bin Laden by Oliver North, what did the country d ...nothing. So we got hit by him. The country (leaders) didn't want to upset anyone and take action against him then.

    This country has given so many rights to criminals and taken so many rights from law abiding citizens. That now the ACLU is upset about the person who bombed and killed Americans at an event that has long standing history. The ACLU president should say, lets sit this one out.

    This country (leaders) will allow criminals to suck the welfare/food stamps/free cell phones/free cable/free health care/free education dry while the honest citizen pays more and more to keep the cash flow.

    The criminal justice system / juvenile justice system / welfare system / tax system / government representative system all need complete overhaul. Will this country do it, oh no, it may piss someone off, or lose power, or lose their lifetime of full pay for working 4 years.

    This country (the citizens) allow the leaders to continue this. They vote in low numbers. They do not attend/read about/research the political forums, meetings, notes of what is happening around them.

    This country is changing for the worse, it is divided by culture, language, and money (lobbyists). Remember the saying divide and conquer. WE'll we have already divided ourselves, not we our conquering ourselves. The dollar is worth nothing in the world anymore, they foreign economists are talking about replacing the dollar with a world currency. If that happens you can kiss anything we have now goodbye.

    That is what makes me scared and feel unsafe.

    In reference to 09-11 attacks, so many studies were do as to why we were so vulnerable and the suggestions of what we need to change, barely any of them have been done. Coming down to power and money. One of the main things was to combine the Federal law Enforcement agencies because they did not share information and were investigating the same people with doubling/tripling if not quadrupling the work and money being spent. Any common sense business man knows you don't duplicate your resources to do 1 job.

    Good luck America, we are so going to need it.

  27. I feel safer because the police state is upon us.I wonder why suicides surpassed car crashes though?

  28. "Anonymous said...
    George Bush kept us safe?? Have you forgotten 9-11?

    April 22, 2013 at 3:50 PM"

    Of course no one has forgotten
    9-11. President Bush learned from 9-11 whereas obama didn't learn a thing. Not only hasn't he learned a thing he contines to lie and hide the fact that islamic terrorism exists in this country such as Ft Hood and now this. obama because he has a turd for a brain thinks these terrorists are justified and even calls them rebels.

  29. I feel less safe and actually more afraid because of 9/11. And, the reason is the HSA. Law enforcement has gone mad since it's passage. All you have to do is read.., in ANY media. Stories like "Decorated Vet Arrested After ‘Rudely Displaying’ His Rifle" or "Police kill amputee in wheelchair at group home for the mentally ill" or "Baltimore Police Scandal Spotlights Leader’s Fight to Root Out Corruption". Cops are no longer your friend for you are their enemy.

  30. Yes because I own a lot more guns & ammo

  31. Finn, do us cops a favor. Never call us. Even when someone steals from you, breaks in your home. Don't call, you already know everything and obviously can handle anything. So do us a favor don't call.

  32. Rather take my chances with a terrorist than with our own U.S. Government.
    Seems like we the people are now considered the terrorist by our own government.

  33. Anonymous said...
    George Bush kept us safe?? Have you forgotten 9-11?

    April 22, 2013 at 3:50 PM

    Americans tend to forget a lot. That is probably why so much bs is repeated.

    Anonymous said...
    Finn, do us cops a favor. Never call us. Even when someone steals from you, breaks in your home. Don't call, you already know everything and obviously can handle anything. So do us a favor don't call.

    April 22, 2013 at 6:52 PM

    I hope I never have to call you, or at least, not get you on any call I may make. Cops like you, with that kind of attitude, shouldn't be cops. But then, you're not really. You just think you are.

  34. 6:52 PM
    Why not just use some of the unconstitutional powers you were granted under the HSA and hunt me down and shoot me for some reason like, "He looked at me wrong and I was in fear for my life".

  35. With all the killings cops do with Tasers, batons, hands and feet, GUNS, if a cop ever pulls me over I'M gonna be in fear for my life. That means I can take appropriate action right? Just like they do when a dog looks at them.

  36. do not depend on the Government for anything - I rely on myself to remain safe.

    The left wing agenda is designed to tax and spend this Country into oblivion and destroy the U.S. constitution

  37. Of course I feel safe. The City of Salisbury has a $1 Million fire boat. The S.S. Hoppes.


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