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Monday, April 15, 2013

Today's Survey Question 4-15-13

Should Parents Ask Other Parents 
About Guns in the Home?


  1. Not sure of the intent of the question... but I can't think of a subject that two consenting adults should not be able to discuss frankly and honestly.

  2. Yes, they can ask. My answer would be, yes, your child will be safe from criminals, perverts and jack booted State thugs while they are in my home.

  3. I'm with you 9:29 the only thing that would keep my kids safe is a good person with a gun.

  4. Just maybe if you had to ask, you should keep them home.

  5. sure they can ask. but will they get an answer?

    theya re better off cheking the other parent out for arrests

  6. I own a gun. When parents come to myhome with there children, I let them know.

  7. Go ahead and ask. I grew up in a home with multiple firearms. By any guess, there were 12-15 firearms in our home at any time. I grew up respecting such tools, and would only teach them the same way.

  8. I would tell them yes and they are secured. If the parent refused to allow their child into our home then I wouldn't want my child associating with them anyway.

  9. I'm a parent, I want to know, and no my child will not be staying.

  10. Anonymous said...
    I'm a parent, I want to know, and no my child will not be staying.

    April 15, 2013 at 4:33 PM

    That's your choice. I don't have a problem with it either way unless the kids could somehow gain access to them. This seems like just another fear mongering question designed to get people all worked up over nothing. Would you ask if they had knives, baseball bat or hands and feet?

    Much ado about nothing.

  11. I will ask if they have pop tarts in the house because they are just as dangerous. I saw one made into a gun once.


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