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Friday, April 19, 2013

The Three Keys To Saving Western Civilization

Although never one to indulge in controversy, I’d like to offer my humble opinion on three solutions that would lead these United States back from the edge of abyss of total fiscal and societal collapse and into a future of self-responsibility , freedom and prosperity for the individual, family and nation.

Whilst these solutions are undoable due to a diverse mass of ignorant, self-serving voting blocks, they are nevertheless viable solutions to keeping the lid on a melting pot that’s quickly turning int a boiling cauldron of regional tribal interests that in time will inevitable come to blows over scarcity of resources.

This inevitable slide into tribalism masquerading as multiculturalism( or, the farce of the melting pot , if you will) has been unnaturally exacerbated by a central command and control government that’s largely been captured by rent seeking global corporations via cheap labor subsidized buy US taxpayers.

Currently, the fascist putsch is on to flood North America with millions more of uneducated and culturally feral third worlders who will change the political and socioeconomic moorings of these United States forever.Bet on it.


1 comment:

  1. here are the 3 keys....
    Get rid of obammie, get rid of congress and senate, stop all illegals from entering the country!


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