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Friday, April 19, 2013

The Silent Epidemic In A Broken, Deranged System: Stress

Longtime readers know that I see our system not just as financially sick but as spiritually and psychologically deranging. The illnesses are related, of course--a distorted economic system (i.e. financialization) that rewards parasitic sociopathy and political predation cannot help but make its participants physically and psychologically ill.

Here is a selection of the many entries I've written on this largely ignored topic:

Serial Addictions, Serial Speculative Bubbles: a Sickness Unto Death  (Feb. 2, 2010)

Welfare Nation: Addiction, Denial and Magical Thinking  (February 1, 2010)

The Wider Context for Twenty-Somethings (Gen Y) in America  (February 19, 2010)

Opting Out and the Culture of Entitlement  (March 29, 2010)

Readers are often puzzled by the term The Politics of Experience, which is the core of the Survival+ analysis. The term comes from psychiatrist/author R.D. Laing, and I use it to describe the subtle ways that our worldview is molded to make certain forms of political and financial dominance so "natural" that we lose awareness of its arbitrary, carefully engineered structure.

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