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Friday, April 26, 2013

The F-Word From Washington

Getting furloughed is a very personal thing, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. For some feds, it will amount to no more than a series of three-day weekends. Others say even losing a couple of days pay will break their bank. Still more think it is a political stunt and a heckuva way to run a government. So what's your take?


  1. They are the same as the majority of American's who have to worry about their job and financial status. The election results returned too many to office who persist in undermining our priorities; & now we all pay & pay & pay! Slf

  2. Why doesn't the government fire the federal workers who owe back taxes. Then maybe they won't need to furlough so many.

  3. Hell, I had to use 8 furlough days last year. i don't know why state and federal employees can't do the same. County employees did not have a choice.


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