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Thursday, April 04, 2013

Shore Bank In Salisbury To Close


  1. I heard About tan is also leaving,Here goes Salisbury down the tubes...lololol Start the Count.

  2. got the same letter last week.
    i used to use that branch when i worked nearby

    another business location gone from salisbury, imagine that

  3. Does that leave First Shore Federal as the only downtown bank? Looks like the turtle is going to win the race!

  4. Great corner location for something lively and exciting!

  5. Maybe it will be a drug store again... (tongue in cheek)

  6. It's really sad that they're closing the branch and laying off hard working employees. The tellers there have always been exceptional and extremely friendly. It's a shame that they got bought out by a larger bank a few years back. Corporate simply doesn't care that it's the leading branch.

  7. I used to work at the old Central Drug store there over 40 years ago making 50 cents/ hour. Lowest paid employee on Main Street! Right when they tore up the Street and built the Plaza. Saw two different layers of brick roads under the blacktop when they were tearing up the streets.

  8. Jim Beau will stop this - LOL

  9. I have testified against the Maryland septic bill during the past two legislative sessions. This year I broaden my testimony to point out that Secretary Hall was a liar when he claimed the bill would not negatively impact land values and that there were several Maryland banks teetering on the brink of collapse. Two of these banks have now been forced to close and stock for Talbot County's biggest bank for only 20% of its high. What an interesting state that we live in. A State where the Secretary of Planning intentionally defrauds the citizens and the state banks. Those actions used to be reserved for crooks and thugs. Now our public servants are the crooks and thugs. An their fearless leader is all smiles as usual!


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