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Thursday, April 04, 2013

Senate Passes House Version Of Gun Control Bill 28-19

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Maryland state senators voted 28-19 Thursday evening to pass the House version of sweeping gun control legislation that requires fingerprinting and licensing.

Senate President Mike Miller had said the bill would head to the governor's desk Thursday night.

"It's a far-reaching bill, but at the same time, I supported a number of the amendments the House adopted," Miller said.

The legislation bans assault-style weapons; sets a 10-bullet limit on magazines; requires training for first-time handgun buyers; requires background checks; requires fingerprinting and requires a license to legally own the firearm.



  1. where do we sign the petition to get this on the ballot as a referedum against this flagrant violation of our 2nd Amendment rights

  2. join the constitutional defense force

    molon labe

  3. Governor O'Dumbass has provided a "Feel Good Policy" it will fail in court.

  4. All that BS and we can't even carry it. How much more are we going to take before we rise up and demand our rights back.

  5. Referendum will not work.
    Do not worry, it will be judged unconstitutional.

    "Shall not be infringed".
    O'Malley and the Socialists are doing a lot of infringement.
    They will be defeated.

  6. I'm carrying regardless...

  7. It is time for Delmarva to secede.

  8. 8:14 "Shall not be infringed" comes from the Constitution, right? These liberal Democrats don't give a damn about the Constitution

  9. Having worked in law enforcement for over 32 years - 20 of those years in the City of Salisbury I understand as an oath keeper what that means. It represents honor and integrity. A law enforcement office must protect the United States Constitution from any and all Socialists disguised as Democrats by refusing to obey any and all illegal laws. A well armed free Society is feared by the Government, but I see tyranny running rampant now in Maryland. A law enforcement officer can be a part of the great lie or they can fight to stop the oppression of the American people.


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