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Friday, April 19, 2013

Republicans Trying To Protect Public Safety And Law Enforcement Workers From Furloughs

The furlough season has begun. Gov Exec reports that some Labor Department employees are taking days off this week without pay. Staff at the EPA and the Office of Management and Budget are slated to begin furloughs Monday. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans have introduced a bill that would protect public safety and law enforcement workers from furloughs. The bill would let agency leaders move money around in their budgets so that the so-called "essential employees" would not have to take days off from work without pay. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo) says essential employees includes food inspectors, control-tower operators and border guards.

1 comment:

  1. You won't see Democrats trying to protect public safety from Furloughs. Look what that clown mayor Ireton did to Salisbury public safety officers.


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