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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Protesters Draw Attention In Ocean City

OCEAN CITY -- An otherwise quiet and peaceful post-holiday afternoon was marked by a rather unusual protest even for Ocean City standards when representatives of the “Bloodstained Men” activist group set up shop at the foot of the Route 50 bridge to get their message out.

Passersby on Route 50 at N. Division Street on Tuesday afternoon witnessed three men and one woman wearing white coveralls with a red paint splotch on the crotch symbolizing generations of male children circumcised at birth and called for the abolition of the centuries-old practice. The small group in Ocean City on Tuesday was an extension of a much larger event in Washington D.C. last week marking the 20thanniversary of Genital Integrity Awareness Week. The Ocean City protest on Tuesday also coincided with the 16th anniversary of a ban on female circumcision passed in the U.S. in 1997.

“We’re protesting to end forced genital cutting of male children here in the U.S. and worldwide and bring them into equality with female children,” said Delmarva Area Intactivist Group spokesperson Shelly Wright. “We’re trying to get the word out about circumcision because it shouldn’t be forced on male children. They should have the right to decide that when they are adults and can make decisions on their own.”



  1. Thats right why is it they only care for women manipulation but dont care about boys?

  2. Unhealthy weirdos. Really shouldn't be allowed out in public.

  3. 423 you must be a Woman maybe they should bring sharia law here an do a clitorectomy and see how it feels?

  4. Looks like some kind of Democrat-Commie libtard convention. I bet they are all gays who voted for Obama.

  5. OMG, american people will piss and moan about ANYTHING. And this is the welcome people get when entering Ocean City? lol

  6. yeah, there is a reason god set that covenant with Abram, jeez. these commies today just want to totally pervert the bible.

  7. 5:25 Dead wrong on all counts; male, circumcised, seen & heard too much of diseases, sexual problems, and mental problems of those not treated to the blessing of the knife to be happy with my parents intelligence, rather than knee-jerk ignorance, of the issue.

  8. 635 you are full of sh?T God put there for a Reason.

  9. 635 you are full of sh?T God put there for a Reason.

    April 3, 2013 at 6:43 PM

    God also said to cut it off. Kinda moots your point.

  10. you people are seriously at the bottom of the damn bucket of intelligence.

    1. And what makes you a foreskin expert?

  11. Protest the circumsission of our bill of rights.

    1. You mean like the right to security of one's person, to equality, and to choose one's own religion and not have someone else's cut into one's body? That's what they're doing.

  12. Please tell me this happened Monday afternoon!

  13. I just wanna know who's gonna keep that thing clean? If it's yours, you just think you are.
    Registered nurse.

  14. and how about infant ear piercing while you are at it.

  15. They should be made to REALLY bleed...

  16. well first of all men who are not circumsized run a higher risk of getting infections.i have a friend who was not circumsized at birth and all throughout his teenage years he constantly got infections.when he reached the age of 23 while in the service he decided to be circimsized before deploying to iraq.he knew that with his past playing sports in high school everyting in general causing infections he knew that in iraq he would probably constantly get infections.being circimsized is a benefit to your health in the long run.also most women find it unattractive!


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