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Monday, April 29, 2013

Poll: Holder Calls Amnesty A Civil Right?


  1. A tax cheat and an idiot!

  2. With a straight face; as if it were true! Tell a lie enough times, and people (well, some) will start to believe it.

  3. It amazes me that our politicians keep forgetting that the "undocumented individuals" illegally came to the US. I've always been told that no one should ever benefit from illegal activity. But our politicians want to immune the undocumented from prosecution and reward them with American citizenship. What about the immigrants who legally came to the US and took the proper steps to citizenship (waiting through the multi year process) and in many cases are still waiting. Why not just lets these folks in, at least they tried to stay within the process guidelines. No, this will not happen because the politician has nothing to gain by doing this.

    If your actions are illegal, then it is illegal and you should not be rewarded for the illegal activity. Period....

  4. Would you buy a used car from that scammer?

  5. being illegal is a civil right? does that mean murder, rape, gay marriage, kidnapping, and theft are civil rights too?

  6. this guy is strange


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