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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Paper Nuggets From Chick-Fil-A

My husband went to chick fil a (north) tonight and in his nuggets he discovered this paper nice and fried into a nugget. Just thought I'd share this because we thought was horrible...


  1. I'm sure you shared it with your lawyer too

  2. Accidents happen, especially when you're as busy as the wonderful folks that serve us there! I've never experienced the top level service I get there until I started going this past year on a particular Wednesday! Keep up the great work!

  3. I don't know who'd every want to eat that greasy salty chicken. I just love the soccer moms lined up around the block to feed their tots this mess thinking it's HEALTHY!?

    The sandwich is the worst, a tiny shriveled up gristle fillet, uneven thickness so part of it's undercooked, served on a tiny, over-buttered crumbly roll.

    Their fries used to be good, now they just greasy skin and crumbs mostly.

    At least they haven't managed to screw up their Cokes yet, still the best anywhere.

    Breakfast used to be good, now they make the chicken biscuits up so far in advance and let sit out they the chicken is rubbery and impossible to eat.

  4. Go on the chick fil a website and submit a comment telling them what happened. We let them know of a minor problem we had that way. We received a nice email from them with coupons for a free meal. They aim to please their customers and will make things right. ANON. 11:10, who peed in your cornflakes this morning? You are just a little ray of sunshine. :-)

  5. While I do on occasion eat at CF what's more horrible is the fact that they serve industrial raised/factory farmed chicken in other words, chicken laced with more harmful chemicals then a bit of paper.
    11:10 I get a kick out of the "soccer moms" who would have a hissy fit if someone dared to light a cigarette up in front of their little darlings but have no qualms whatsoever about feeding their children things that aren't fit for a rabid dogs last meal.

  6. 11:10 AM

    You whine about unhealthy food but yet you drink coke? shhh

  7. put it in the trash and get over it.
    did you spill coffee in your lap at McDonalds
    just lookin for a free ride.
    do you work , if so , at KFC?

  8. Have you seen the people who work at these places , dope addicts , drug dealers , bottom of the barrel.

  9. That's because they dip the plastic bags of nuggets right into the hot oil in order to open them.

  10. To the person who posted this, if you're dissatisfied with the service, make a complaint, and don't eat there again. I'm agreeing with 10:38, it was most likely an accident. Their chicken is probably packaged with paper separating the pieces, and during a rush, accidentally got tossed into the fryer. And finally, to 12:48, you don't eat in any restaurants right? Just a tip for you; drug problems range across a wide variety of the work force, including teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and not to mention the professions that make and enforce the laws against them. Last time I checked, most people got their start working in food/restaurant management, as teenagers. Please don't categorize and judge someone because that is where they are employed at the time.

  11. 12:48 I bet that these dope dealers, drug addicts and bottom of the barrel have empathy for others and have a heart...which it looks like you are missing.

  12. anonymous 12:48, are you serious? Yes, I have seen the people who work there and one thing I can assure you of, they are some of the kindest people you'll ever meet. Their employer treats them extremely well. Mistakes happen. It's even more unfortunate your comment actually made it through because I would have rejected it.

  13. An unsolicited attack on a conservative establishment.
    Just a hit piece, nothing more.

  14. 5:39, I totally agree with you.

  15. I'm not big on the industry chicken they use either but we do go there from time to time and the reason is because of the employees.
    The last time was a few months ago and when we left I even commented to my husband that the employees are so pleasant they put a smile on your face even if you are having an off day.

  16. Hardly agree with anything on this site ever or with chick filet views, but 5:10 is correct. Best service in fast food places. Great food too, this was likely an accident. Sh1t happens, get over it.

  17. God loves Chick-fil-a. You may not. That's your choice. Me? I'm on God's side, and proud of it.

  18. never been to c-f but will go there to day

  19. chances are it's just the waxed paper wrap the stored frozen nuggets are in. nothing horrible do i see.

  20. 7:44 they are closed on Sunday in honor of the Lord's day.

  21. still best fast food in Salisbury. McDonald's food went down fast when they started micro waving thier meats.

  22. Why do local blogs always have close up photos of restaurant food?I can understand complimentary photos in ads for the restaurant,but a close up of a meal using a cell phone is very unflattering.

  23. They must be gay anti-christian


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