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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Once Again Maryland Is A Laughing Stock All Across The Country.


  1. The prez is a radical so all of the other dem gov are doing the same thing,

    Will there be a sun wind snow tax next???

  2. The problem is that Maryland has so many liberal Democrats whom are freeloaders that will still vote for these people. Most Democrats are not very smart. Most are brain dead, or have no common sense.

  3. It does not include wicomico, worchester,dorchester counties.

    1. Thank God 8:46. Let the supporters of whack*as O'Malley pay!

    2. No Worchester in Maryland buddy!

  4. I'm laughing all the way from FL!

  5. Regardless - how do we get rid of these freakin MORONS? Looks like we gotta get rid of the freakin morons that voted for these freakin morons....

  6. yes; the dems are clueless in all areas of life. it's the blind leading the blind, at best.
    problem is, we all must suffer under the hand of these clowns. i realize some counties are exempt, but we sure put up with a lot of other sh t from the "leadership" of this state. even the dems that represent our districts are so liberal they can't see commonsense.

  7. And what about all that money that the builders had to spend on storm water retention ponds, dams, structures, outfalls, and 100 year flood plans? All that was for nothing, or have I already paid?

  8. Start taxing the Welfare Mongers welfare checks and see how long that lasts.

  9. These Moron Liberals in Annapolis just don't care. They have 3 to 1 majority in Maryland Congress and they will pass whatever the bill they like regardless of public outcry. REPEAL THIS BULLS$&#!. I like to se the list of these Dirty Crooked Politicans who voted Yes on this. They give us nothink but S@#&, then we will give S@#& back. Anyone got some spare Chicken Shit? Lets brring some accross the Bridge and dump it in Annapolis, and dump few loads at OweMalleys as well. That'$ the only way the get the memo,, We the People Had Enough!!!

  10. the sun tax-responsible for skin cancer.

  11. they should tax all Entitlements period.

  12. Anonymous said...
    they should tax all Entitlements period.

    April 14, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    So entitlements are female?


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