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Thursday, April 04, 2013

North Korea Warns Military Cleared To Wage Nuclear Attack Against US

South Korea says North Korea has moved a missile with "considerable range" to its east coast after an unnamed spokesman for the North Korean army warned the U.S. Wednesday that its military has been cleared to wage an attack using "smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear" weapons.

South Korea's defense minister said Thursday the missile moved is not capable of hitting the United States.

Kim Kwan-jin dismissed reports in Japanese and South Korean media that the missile could be a KN-08, which is believed to be a long-range missile that if operable could hit the United States.



  1. Entitlement fighters want to pay backApril 4, 2013 at 11:53 AM

    Bring it on.....Can we send the entitlement lovers first to defend there Foodstamps,cell phones,electric ect ect ect.

  2. Surgical drone strikes could take out every key player.Just remember that the leaders are waging the war.A dozen or so hellfire missles would end this.Why can our president condone drone strikes against our own citizens but refuse to take these assholes out?We have the capability to end this in an afternoon.

  3. Take a step back, 1153 and 1203! Look at the facts! Moving a rocket from one side of north Korea to the other to hit the US is like us launching our shuttles from the Rocky Mountains instead of sea level Floride in order to reach Jupiter! Get real. Can't you understand PROPAGANDA when you read it?
    We armed Al-Quaida at Benghazi. We sell 50 cal sniper rifles that our seals use to Syria. F-16's to Egypt, who has no government but rebels fighting!
    This Administration is shopping up a new "war" to keep the "Defense" budget up!
    Can't you SEE that?

    Unreal that folks stand behind this warmongering.

  4. "South Korea's defense minister said Thursday the missile moved is not capable of hitting the United States.

    Kim Kwan-jin dismissed reports in Japanese and South Korean media that the missile could be a KN-08, which is believed to be a long-range missile that if operable could hit the United States."

    Well, which is it?


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