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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

NASA's Wallops Island Prepares For The Spotlight

WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. (AP) — On one of Virginia's small barrier islands, a NASA facility that operates in relative obscurity outside scientific circles is preparing to be thrust into the spotlight.

On Wednesday, Orbital Sciences Corp. plans to conduct the first test launch of its Antares rocket under a NASA program in which private companies deliver supplies to the International Space Station. If all goes as planned, the unmanned rocket's practice payload will be vaulted into orbit from Wallops Island before burning up in the atmosphere on its return to Earth several months later.

The goal of the launch isn't to connect with the space station, but to make sure the rocket works and that a simulated version of a cargo ship that will dock with space station on future launches separates into orbit. Orbital officials say that should occur about 10 minutes after liftoff.



  1. LOL, I was looking at the daily rag today, the article clearly stated that the launch was to be Wed. But, under the photo, it said "today".
    Did anybody else catch this? Still wanna buy that piece of crap for $1?

  2. Shoot it at Korea + get rids of the punk kid dictator...


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