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Friday, April 19, 2013

Minnesota Hospital Apologizes For Misplacing Body Of Stillborn Infant In The Laundry

A Minnesota hospital has the weighty task today of explaining, and subsequently apologizing, as to how the body of a stillborn infant went missing from the morgue, only to show up at a laundry service miles away. Officials say they still have questions about the sequence of events that led to the unfortunate handling and discovery of the body.

Hospital officials say the baby boy was born stillborn at 22 weeks of development on April 4, and was wrapped in linens at the morgue.

From there, someone accidentally sent the sheets off to the laundry service to be cleaned, apparently unaware that the baby’s body was included, reports the Associated Press. The hospital says it’s been trying to get in touch with the family of the infant.


  1. Great analysis, but one wonders who will pay attention? God bless those people.

  2. something is wrong when folks in this country care so little for children


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