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Sunday, April 07, 2013

Maryland Professor: Carson's Apology Is "Compelling"

Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson has apologized for recent comments where he compared supporters of same sex marriage to pedophiles and those who support bestiality.

In an email sent to Hopkins colleagues on Friday, Carson says the remarks he made on Sean Hannity's FOX News program last month included "poorly chosen words."

In that interview Carson told Hannity that, "no group be they gays, be they NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association), be they people who believe in bestiality, they don't get to change the definition (of marriage)."



  1. One should never have to apologize for the spoken truth. Political correctness is absolutely disgusting.

  2. The left is attacking him and using our Stimulus money to finance their attacks.

    The left will loose soon enough...Dr. Carson rose from Poverty...is black...and does not play VICTIM that the LEFT wants.

  3. Dr. Carson. You have had a stellar career and overcome obstacles many of us will never have. You may have chosen some unfortunate words but Free Speech does not guarantee the freedom not to be offended. In this politically correct climate conservatives - and especially black conservatives - are brutally attacked.

    We love you and all that you stand for in this once great country of the United States of America.

  4. Dr Ben their is only one true judge. You speek Gods word and he knows.

  5. The Dumbocrats/Liberals are about as low as you can go. To even put down a great man like Dr. Carson, who happens to be the most intelligent man in my eyes who came from a very poor family and rose tp the highest level in the medical profession is ludicrous. They (the dumbocrats)will do anything to destroy anyone who does not go along with their thinking (Liberal way) . It makes me want to avoid any democrat/liberal that comes in my daily life!

  6. Dr. Carson speaks the truth. The truth is from the Bible. That is the only law that is important.

    Political correctness is for the legislatures who have no morales, no backbone, and no brains.

  7. I will stand with Dr. Carson. He has as much right as anyone else in this country to speak his mind, without attacks. Pedofiles, gays, lesbians, bi's, beasties, rapists, and trannies are going to hell. It will all get sorted out in the end.


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