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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Home Depot Customer Grabs Saws, Tries To Cut His Own Arms Off In Store

We’ve heard of nightmarish customer service experiences, but one Home Depot shopper created a nightmare of his own making when he reportedly grabbed a saw and tried to hack off his own arms inside the store. His fellow customers were apparently a bit disturbed at the scene because a man was trying to cut his own limbs off in public. Yikes.

The Los Angeles Times says the man calmly walked into the store yesterday afternoon and grabbed a couple of handsaws.

“He just began sawing away,” an officer told the LAT. ”He was pretty much intent on doing what he did.”


  1. Here we go. All kinds of new laws will be coming down the pike because of this fruitcake.

  2. We know that there's something fishy about this story.

    Quote: We've heard of nightmarish customer service experiences, but one Home Depot shopper created a nightmare of his own making when he reportedly grabbed a saw and tried to hack off his own arms inside the store.

    Comment: Had he succeeded in the removal of one arm, I would like to watch him saw the other one off with his left over arm? Due to blood loss from his first whack attack, he probably got mixed up and forgot that he was going to saw off one of his legs instead, but I agree with him in the fact that some over priced items at home depot do cost an arm and a leg.

  3. Ban all saws now!

  4. I have been frustrated with the poor customer service in Home Depot almost to this point...

  5. Seems like a statement of sort, like those people whom set themselves on fire because they have nothing to lose and that is all they feel they can do in the face of corruption.

  6. Better start banning those saws! They are a risk to life, limb, and happiness! How dare the government allow home improvement stores sell these "assault weapons" on aisle 9 without any proof of ID, and a through and through background check. What is this world coming to!

  7. How was he going to saw off the second arm? I think I would have had to stay and watch him try...

  8. I got kicked out of Home Depot this morning. All I did was walk down the tool isle and all the stud finders went off.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I got kicked out of Home Depot this morning. All I did was walk down the tool isle and all the stud finders went off.

    April 14, 2013 at 5:04 PM

    Are you sure it wasn't the carbon monoxide alarms?

  10. His neighbor said he paid and arm and a leg for new plumbing fixtures. The gentleman was just trying to do a self check-out. What's the problem?


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